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Conspiracy Theories v Pelosi Laptop

You have people claiming Trump will call in the military at the last minute. That is just not plausible. The other story is that covert-ops have Pelosi’s Laptop and that reveals far more than anyone would dare to speculate. They insist that Pelosi is trying to impeach Trump because of that. She has also called […]

Italian Connection Video Partly Recorded

  This is part of the video we recorded and midstream, YouTube removed it because anything that gives any counter-view is removed. This is the type of censorship we are facing. This is standard for socialist/communist revolutions and this is the only conclusion we can come up with. What they are saying in this video […]

The Future From Here

  The word from DC is that they will do their best now to prevent Trump from ever running again and they will look to try to bring some criminal charge against him to disqualify him. Twitter has blocked his account and he has acknowledged he will leave the office. Pence, as expected, defended the […]

Is God Dead?

COMMENT: Marty, Happy New Year and thanks for your work. It appears to me that climate change has gone past the point of no return with the Fed now targeting climate change. Do you think that an alternate analysis will ever take hold? I don’t think that severe cooling at this point will change any minds. […]

Market Talk – January 5, 2021

ASIA: China’s economic growth could reach as high as 9 percent next year, and its rapid rebound from the coronavirus pandemic may help the economy overtake the US to become the world’s largest later this decade, analysts said. Nomura and China International Capital Corporation put China’s gross domestic product growth for 2021 at 9 percent. […]

The Threat of this Triumvirate to Everything that is Freedom

Make no mistake about this, we have the merger of three theories as part of this Great Reset which has merged the old ideas of a one-world government with Schwab’s idea of resurrecting Communism for only the lower classes. Gates wants to reduce CO2 and the population, Soros wants a one-world government headed by the […]

Gov’t To Aggressively Attack Small Business in 2021

  Now that the Deep State has successfully carried out their coup to remove Trump ensuring even the Supreme Court has buckled under to the Deep State and abandoned the Constitution. Every Justice takes an oath to defend the Constitution yet they are able to ignore it claiming “discretion” to decide to defend it or […]

Is a 3rd Party Inevitable?

  Not one major news outlet carried Trump’s address on the fraud in the election. Every outlet swears there is no evidence of fraud as if they are even believable anymore. Trump expanded the base for the Republicans which included African Americans who saw through the propaganda as did Hispanics. Trump proved that lowering taxes […]

The Markets into the Chaos

by Charles Bragg (1931-2017)  The markets have been dominated by the elections and COVID. The future is clearly being dictated by what is taking place politically on a global scale. When we look around the world we clearly see that even the German share market is positioning itself as an alternative to bonds. The commodities […]

2020 coup d’etat

‘ QUESTION: Martin, I agree with the following historic comments you’ve said over the past few weeks…  This election was the most corrupt in our country’s history.  The establishment is getting away with this fraud because the courts are compromised including SCOTUS.  We will likely never have another fair election. I’ll bet Trump agrees with […]