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Can a Federal Judge Hold You Til you Die in a Civil Case?

QUESTION: I read Zero Hedge on where a Federal Judge Declares Constitution Void, Threatens Civil Defendant With Death. These judges are really out of control. How can they keep someone in a civil case in prison until they die? ANSWER: Because the Court of Appeals do absolutely NOTHING to defend the citizens in the country, we […]

The French Elections – What Now?

Macron won about 65% to Le Pen 35%. Even Obama came out in support of Macron which obviously confirms Macron is the supporter of the establishment – not change. The bias of the global press is clear in their labels. They label Emmanuel Macron as the “independent centrist” and Marine Le Pen as the “far-right” as […]

Changing Cycle Frequencies Produces Different Effects

QUESTION: Marty, I’m glad that you’ve showed a couple of examples in the past few articles, as per how you apply ECM and volatility cycle waves to events. Yet, can you please explain the methodology and criteria which you use in deciding how to apply them? What is the criteria with which you choose the starting […]

Federal Reserve & Elastic Money & NY Clearing House Certificates

QUESTION: Why do you support the fed in what you call elastic money and not a gold standard? ANSWER: As usual, you listen to the nonsense about how the Fed is owned by the banks and is responsible for probably everything evil from creating wars to probably killing JFK. The entire use of “elastic money” […]

The Confidence Game – The Next Crisis

QUESTION: Martin, I started following your models shortly after college in 2000 when I entered the financial advisor world. I soon realized how clueless this industry was and formed a hedge fund in Tampa in March 2007 to short retail and housing, largely based on your models & my understanding of cycles. I reached the top […]

The Gold Reports & the Building of Volatility the Precursor to Chaos

Our first report will be released on Gold, Guns & War which illustrates how gold has historically reacted to different types of war events, both internationally as well as domestically, as in civil unrest and revolution.  Illustrated here, we can see the historical volatility in gold over decades of interacting with the global economy and […]

Does Schäuble want Draghi to Exit the Stage Once & For All?

Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble of Germany is starting to show signs of rebellion against the elite in Brussels. With the event of BREXIT, the EU is more concerned about trying to punish Britain than they are in reflecting upon what is going so terribly wrong. They will throw their support behind Macron in […]

French Election – No Surprise – Or Is There?

Our computer had correctly projected that Le Pen would defeat the mainstream party Socialists. Indeed, Hollende did not even run he was so unpopular. The result of this election is really now a wildcard. For the most important aspect worth underlining in BOLD is the striking fact that this is the first time in modern […]

Real Estate Speculation – Boom – Bust – Just Insanity

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thank you for this blog post. I understand your position but what if you find yourself as I do with real estate being the MAJORITY of your portfolio? What then? I follow your blog and I learned that mortgages in Canada are only 10 year mortgages and the exchange rate is favorable right […]

Armstrong On Why Cycles Exist

QUESTION: I was listening to a podcast on Bloomberg interviewing Peter Borsch who I remember you know for the two of you were together on a cycle research board and he worked for Paul Tudor Jones who handed me a copy of the Greatest Bull Market you wrote back in 1986. That was my introduction […]