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Tax & The Top 1% – Who Are They? – The Pending Sovereign Debt Big Bang

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and it’s great to see that not even little ole us in Canada escapes your reaches!  Not only is Premier Wynne changing the definition of the meaning of “rich” in Ontario, yesterday’s budget also proposes a forced government pension plan.  She is proposing withholding […]

European Banks & Massive Exposure to Russia – Oops!

Just as the American banks ran with open-arms into South America during the 1970s and ended up with loans defaulting, we may see the economic war against Russia backfire as lawyer-politicians never seem to comprehend this is a global economy with all sorts of intricate entanglements. We may see that the European banking crisis simply […]

Capital Flows

Real Estate is the choice at this time to get capital off the grid. We are seeing Chinese still buying Australian Property for now and wealthy Russians are looking at Putin raising taxes and the rubble of the ruble as a justification to get capital out of banks and into property. Even the wealthy Ukrainians […]

The Observer – not the Creator

COMMENT: Martin, In many ways I’ve long viewed your work as the reverse side of Shrodinger’s cat — more able to predict the time upon which events that will turn out to have been of significance will occur than what those events will be.  One thought I’ve pondered reading through your material over the last few […]

Computer v Man

  QUESTION: Can a computer be better than human analysis? ANSWER: Yes. Why? Because NOBODY can be 100% all the time and NOBODY can purge all bias or presumption. It is a hard thing to do. People have come to our conferences NOT to hear my personal opinion, but to hear what the computer has concluded. […]

Why Does Deflation Cause the Currency to Rise?

It has often been a paradox that the worse an economy turns down, the higher the currency rises. Cheer up – it is a bell curve. If the currency goes TOO FAR and the economy has no hope of survival, then it reverses and collapses into dust through the process of a Phase Transition. This […]

Cold War 2 – Setting Up for the Fall – Putin Staring into the Eyes of a Dead Corpse?

The Cold War Part 2 with Russia, as always, demonstrates why we should banish lawyers from politics because they are incapable of understanding international capital flows that diminish their power. In studying law, I can tell you it is very black and white. You write a law to prevent a specific thing without any comprehension […]

The Coming Tetrad – the Blood Moons

QUESTION: Martin, In reading the article below, I couldn’t help but notice the fourth blood moon (September 28, 2015) will almost coincide with the projected major turning point in your economic confidence model (October 1, 2015).  Is this coincidence or does your model take into account the movement of stars, planets and moons? Thank you for […]

Inflation is not Always Caused by Change in Money Supply – Deflation is Engulfing Europe

COMMENT: Marty; I have to say this was the best conference you have done since 2011. It was the most organized and the live demo of talking to the website was unbelievable. The film clip you showed on cycles was amazing illustrating the hidden order within the nature of all things. However, I do not […]

The Rise of Shadow Banking & The Volcker Rule

The problem with those in government is simple – they are delusional. These people like to think they have power and the world kisses their feet. They assume if they write a law, it will be followed. But like Obamacare that required everyone must have maternity leave even if they were 60, the law-makers remain […]