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When Increasing Money Supply Produces Deflation

The Telegraph has come out stating bluntly “ECB’s Mario Draghi has run out of magic as deflation closes in.” The confidence level in central banks I have been warning will decline. This is the prerequisite for the Phase Transition that lies ahead. At  the very core of this entire collapse in confidence in all levels […]

Lincoln v Rothschilds

QUESTION:  I hope you are well and enjoying your summer holidays.   When will be available the Trader Level service?. Is it true that Abraham Lincoln refused to finance the Union Army, with a loan with an excessive interest, from the Rothschild Banking House?.   I look forward to hearing from you as soon as […]

WHY 2017 is The Threshold to Chaos

I have been warning that 2017 was the Year of Political Hell with four major referendums/elections that would undermine the confidence in government – BREXIT, US Presidential Elections, French Elections, and Germany Elections. These four events hold the potential to overturn the expectations of the future. Whatever the general public felt about government would flip. The […]

Le Pen vows to hold French referendum on Leaving EU – FREXIT

Hollande is running only around a 10% approval rating. Merkel’s CDU came in third place in her home state. Things are a moving and shaking as they say in Europe. Indeed, get ready for 2017 will be the tipping point in markets as a whole. The refugee crisis has indeed changed the face of Europe […]

EU Govt. Pensions Explode to €63.8 billion

I have said that the European crisis is all about keeping jobs in Brussels, and now the truth is beginning to surface. The long-term cost of pensions for EU officials has increased very sharply according to one new report. These people are lining their pockets like never before. From late 2014 to the end of 2015, […]

New SEC Money Market Rule Will Send Cash into Treasuries

  The new SEC rule on money market funds takes effect October 17, 2016. There is never a crisis that simply passes. Such events always lead to more regulation even when those creating the rules are clueless about what they are regulating. The 2007-2009 crisis did more that wipe out Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns than anything […]

Department of Labor Regulating Your 401K April 16th, 2017

The financial services industry is undergoing its greatest upheaval perhaps in more than 35 years because the government came up with a brilliant new idea to pretend there is a crisis that they need to step in to save you. I have warned that there has been talk about taking over 401K funds which are […]

Defense Department Missing $6.5 Trillion up from $2.3 Trillion in 2001

Once again, the office of Inspector General has come up with a huge hole in the Department of Defense with a missing $6.5 trillion. The day before 911, Rumsfeld admitted there was back then $2.3 trillion missing from the Defense Department budget. That has now grown to $6.5 trillion and counting. They have reported that […]

The Computer Has No Human Bias or Input

QUESTION: Hi Martin: Thanks for your blog entries and daily market talk. Question: are the arrays independent of the outcomes of the USA election outcome? If they aren’t, what does Socrates forecast with each candidate winning? Thank you. DA ANSWER: There is absolutely no human input whatsoever. Everything is within the system. The arrays are not […]

Europe on the Brink of Complete Chaos?

There are so many incidents with the refugee crisis in Europe that the blog could be filled with that subject alone. Even the press in Germany is starting to shift after countless incidents from knife attacks to a gang beating and robbing British tourists in the same square in Cologne, Germany. Not to mention the media’s […]