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Hillary Defends Bill’s Affair with Monica as OK in light of the Kavanaugh hearings

Hillary is all over the press defending Bill’s affairs because as always, the Clintons are the exception to all laws. In light of the vicious attack that the Democrats launched on Brett Kavanaugh, one must reflect on just how standards seem to have changed. The period when Kavanaugh was accused of his conduct 36 years ago, that was […]

Global Warming & Pole Shifts

QUESTION: Hi Martin. I see that you have reported a lot about the coming global cooling. Here in Scandinavia, we had a warm and dry summer, the warmest and dryest in about 250 years. Is there an opposite reaction to the global cooling here in Scandinavia? regards, TK ANSWER: No. What is happening is clearly climate […]

Guantanamo Bay & Covering Up Mistakes

QUESTION: You once mentioned that Guantanamo Bay was a violation of human rights and Obama had pledged to close it when he ran for office the first time. Yet it is still open. Why is America acting in a manner it condemns others? FG ANSWER: The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a United States military prison […]

Gov Cuomo says People are Fleeing NY Because of Weather not Taxes

New York State Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo has blamed the upstate extremely cold weather (Global Warming) for the reason people have been fleeing his state NOT taxes. This comes as no surprise, for Democrats are closet Marxists and love more taxes and assume the people love to be taxed and always ask for more. Like the Global Warming […]

Is the Allegations Against Kavanaugh like the French False Trial of Child Abuse?

I am certainly not partisan here in this matter. I have previously written that I did not care for Brett Kavanaugh based upon his decisions in law. I have read decisions from the Supreme Court and found that you cannot guarantee their reasoning will support Republican or Democrat. All this hype that they must oppose anyone […]

Russiagate – The Slow Drip of the Coup to Take over Russia

Little by little the truth is starting to surface with respect to the blackmail of Yeltsin and the attempt to take over Russia during the 2000 election. Now the former British National Crime Agency international corruption boss, Jon Benton, says he was ordered to stop an investigation into Russian money laundering. He was the head of […]

Market Talk- September 25, 2018

The Asian start seemed confused when opening lower, but it was not long before buyers stepped-in. In holiday subdued trading (Hong Kong and South Korea are closed) the Shanghai index traded heavy for much of the day. It was really only the Nikkei that found the strength to bounce and that probably on the back […]

Deep State is just getting deeper & Rosenstein is a member of a coup to overthrow an elected official destroying the Constitution ending Democracy

The Deep State is just getting deeper, yet like an onion, the layers are slowing peeling away to expose the core. Members of Congress filed impeachment motions against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and now many are calling Trump to fire him after reports surfaced that he discussed invoking the 25th Amendment and suggested wearing a wire during […]

Gag orders & Cover Ups

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I watched the film the Forecaster. I then read your plea. You simply said you failed to tell your clients that the bank took the money. How is that a crime? Then the bank pleads guilty, has to return the money, and you have no restitution. This all makes no sense. KR […]

Come Join the Bring a Rock Gathering

  The girl who was riding the bike and gave the finger to Trump is now qualified to run the country. I am sure she understands economics, world trade, immigration, disease, and international war far better than Trump. She intends to file paperwork to get on the Ballot like the bartender from New York – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The […]