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Europe Begins to Rebel Against Austerity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I attended the Berlin Conference. I have to say that you have done an excellent job of laying everything out from the rally in the euro back to 116 to the rally in gold and its failure to get past 1362 not to mention Brexit and the breakout in the Dow. You […]

IMF Deliberately Lied & Obstructed an Investigation into their EU Policies

The arrogance of those in power is typically beyond belief. Those in the International Monetary Fund have been so biased that their own refusal to review what is going on within Europe has been a great contributor to the demise of the Eurozone. It has now been acknowledged that the IMF’s top staff misled their own board based […]

2000 Refugees Sexually Assaulted 1200 German Girls on New Year’s Eve

The refugee crisis in Europe is a real nightmare and the politicians are desperate to hide what is going on. The first incident of sexual assault that finally made the world news was in Cologne, Germany, on New Year’s Eve. Now, a leaked document has surfaced reporting that 2,000 men assaulted and raped 1,200 girls […]

Brussels Proposes Ending Any Right to Vote to Exit EU

Sources are talking about desperate times in Brussels. The reaction in Brussels is never reform, but rather more draconian measures. A nine-page report exists discussing how the leaders of Germany, France, and Italy met in Berlin for BREXIT crisis talks. The solution? They want to shut down any democratic possibility of disagreement, as they know […]

The Reversal Phenomenon

QUESTION: Marty; I have been reading your blog on gold and get all your reports. One things that I have notices was this 1206 number. Back in 2013, it was important back then. Here it showed up again in 2015. This seems to be an amazing number. Can you explain why. ANSWER: This is yet […]

European Union off to the Emergency Room

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was skeptical at the Berlin WEC, but your forecast is coming in and nobody else called this. It was the most amazing conference I ever attended. A friend who left skeptical said he bought his ticket to this year’s WEC. It looks like Disney for the family and the WEC for […]

The EU is Determined to Ensure BREXIT Will Not Succeed

Another case of fraudulent voting to save the EU has occurred in the Austrian election. The Austrian Constitutional Court has revealed outrageous “errors” to the point that votes were simply regarded as non-binding recommendations. The investigations continue, but this reflects the desperate attempt to save Brussels at the expense of all of Europe. Allowing the people to vote […]

Is the Fed Losing Credibility?

The Federal Reserve pushed back plans to raise its benchmark short-term interest rate, which was widely expected following the Jobs Report. Yet, this was not a credible day for the Fed in the least as they are starting to appear confused and schizophrenic. Fed credibility is beginning to create a crisis behind the scenes that is […]

BREXIT Polls at 55% – Will the Euro Crash & Burn?

We provided this chart in our BREXIT Report which says it all. For all the scare mongering how Britain will be worse off if it leaves the EU, this chart demonstrates how the politicians are lying. Britain has seen only declining economic growth since it joined the EU and these are the British government’s own […]

Jobs v Asset Inflation

The job market collapsed in May, and on Friday the Labor Department reported that the nation’s economy added only 38,000 jobs. The experts were expecting a modest gain of 150,000 jobs. Additionally, there were actually 59,000 fewer new jobs in March and April than previously estimated. Then, looking closely at the 38,000 new jobs that […]