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US Political 2018 Midterm Elections

  On the one hand, the Midterm Elections really mean nothing. The Democrats cannot reverse their declining trend since they peaked with FDR, and the Republicans cannot deliver the final death blow to the Democrats to put them out of their Marxist misery.  While we have provided the target ranges for the vote, we also […]

They now want to Reduce Dog & Cat Ownership to Stop Global Warming

Well, it was only a matter of time that when you read between the lines concerning pet population of dogs and cats, the solution is to REDUCE their numbers – which is really what they argue for behind the curtain concerning humans. I have written previously how they really want to starve humans to reduce […]

Can Trump end Birthright Citizenship?

On this score, President Tump in his latest claim that he can end birthright citizenship with an executive order is WRONG. On this subject, he is correct that a child born in most countries does NOT make them a citizen of that country. In most cases, they are a citizen of a parent who is a […]

How Politicians Are Creating the Worst Economic Crash in History

Politicians have totally and completely misunderstood the trends within the global economy and as a result, they are actually creating one of the worst economic debacles in history. I have explained several times that the bulk of investment capital is tied up in two primary sectors – (1) government bonds and (2) real estate. Because […]

Saudi Arabia Crazy Hail Storms Going Nuts & Avenatti Playing Games?     COMMENT: Dear Marty, This is interesting weather change in Saudi Arabia. We usually have the air-conditioning running 24/7 365 days a year. And now… Also, I found your blog on Avenatti very interesting…. If he runs for President, and it looks like he is planning on doing so, he could be the […]

Why Has the USA been “Pinnacle of Global Success”

To the shock of everyone in politics and economics who can’t get enough socialism and want to bash that the disparity of income is so evil, these Marxists are beside themselves when the World Economic Forum released a study that shows the United States is the most competitive nation on earth. They have, however, concluded that their […]

Threats of Violence Against Candidates Rising

I have been warning that the one thing our computer is projecting on all election fronts around the world is that we will see rising violence and we should expect that voting will be rigged. Canada has already put out a warning that they are witnessing threats of violence against candidates as reported in the National Post. […]

Obama Takes Credit for Economic Recovery Saying it is Not Trump but Him

Believe it or not, Obama, who raised taxes dramatically, is claiming the recovery is because of him and not Trump. On September 7th, 2018 Obama at a speech at the University of Illinois sharply criticized Trump and then claimed ownership of the U.S. economic recovery.

Canadian Oil Falls to Under $20 a Barrel Because of Environmentalists

The price of Western Canadian Select (WCS) crude dropped more than US$55 per barrel BELOW North American benchmark of West Texas Crude. The widening discount is evidence the commodity is illustrating how the environmentalists are really destroying the Canada economy. They are causing taxes to rise as social programs continue on an unsound footing and in […]

Australia Turning Really Authoritative? Is this How a Dark Age Begins?

The greed of governments in their pursuit of money is the single greatest threat to creating a Dark Age. With New Zealand imposing a $5,000 fine for just landing there and you refuse to hand over your pen and passwords to your phone for them to search, now we have Australia going really nuts to […]