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COVID-19 Vaccine Warnings Women Should Not Get Pregnant for at least 2 months after Vaccination

The government has said that women should avoid becoming pregnant until at least two months after being vaccinated against Covid-19. There has been NO TESTING to determine side-effects on pregnancy, fertility, or lactation. Even more importantly, there is no test to even see if there are side-effects with a medicine you may already be taking. This […]

Why is Washington Post & New York Times Always Anti-American?

The real problem with socialism/communism is a simple refusal to understand the business cycle. Indeed, communism collapsed for the very same reasons they seem to hate capitalism. The comment published in the Washington Post actually admits that there were busts long before capitalism. “There were calamities and injustices long before capital, and I’ll venture to […]

Mainstream Media Remains in Denial About Voter Fraud

  Democrats are like zebra, they change their stripes according to self-interest whereas the Republicans can become white elephants when required. In this case, the mainstream media and governors swear the vote was real. However, Biden received more votes in only the swing states, beating Obama and Hillary, which is really astonishing. But the truth […]

Smartmatic – Gates – Microsoft

While the connection between Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic are constantly called fake, the nugget that should be investigated is to what extent any software from Smartmatic was used by Dominion Voting. Smartmatic began in Venezuela under the regime of Hugo Chavez. The company was founded by two Venezuelans and the company was at least […]

Global Debt approaching $280 Trillion by Year-end.

Global debt is exploding thanks to the deliberate COVID-19 manufactured crisis. It is approaching $280 trillion going into year-end. We should no longer call it even debt because at this point, they are just creating the money and the central banks are buying it. Moreover, there is ABSOLUTELY no intention whatsoever to pay back anything. […]

Suburban Wacko, Gun-Toting Zealots v Urban Intelectual Leftists?

QUESTION: Marty, Have you ever done a study that explains why so many people who live in large urban areas are so inclined to vote democratic or for liberal policies which appear to attack people who live outside these areas? It seems no one has ever tried to reconcile these fractures….instead, the media and the left portray […]

The View from Britain

COMMENT FORM BRITAIN: Hi Martin   We certainly live in frustrating blood boiling times. Sadly it appears daily, that not enough was done before the election to prevent what happened – it would have been well worthwhile to set up passive surveillance cameras and teams at obvious electoral fraud hot spots ahead of time – […]

Has Socrates Ever Been Wrong on a Political Forecast?

QUESTION: How long has Socrates been making political forecasts. Was it ever wrong? DK ANSWER: The only election I would say that Socrates was both correct and wrong was that of 2000. It projected that Al Gore would win. Of course, that election went to the Supreme Court and they stopped the count and handed […]

Market Talk – November 17, 2020

ASIA: A survey by IHS Markit in late October of more than 6,600 companies in 12 countries found that companies in China reported the highest recovery rate from the coronavirus pandemic, followed by those in the US. US According to the latest available data from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, multinationals’ majority-owned affiliates in […]

Georgia Recount – Still a Fraud & Agenda 2030

    This is why there should be a computer program that people go online to vote and we eliminate this outrageous fraud because the public has no idea what they are doing to the country because the “agenda” was never told to the people. We call this democracy where people can run for election […]