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Market Talk- March 9th, 2017

Markets and sentiment did not do too well in Asia today after the decline in the oil price yesterday. Energy stocks were hit as were commodity relations as we saw mixed data out from China and weaker JPY. China released better than expected Producer Price Index but was countered by slower than expected Consumer Prices. […]

Time Magazine Joins the Questionable Journalists

QUESTION: Is there any validity to this latest pronouncement by Time Magazine that Trump should be impeached for the foreign-emoluments clause? ANSWER: This is up there with the whole issue Obama’s birth certificate, which went nowhere. The foreign-emoluments clause would have applied to Hillary because she was taking money from foreign governments directly via her pretend […]

The Origin of Consciousness?

The daunting question plaguing humanity has always been what is consciousness? Is consciousness everything yet nothing specific at the same moment? Where did it come from? Some believe this is our soul. Yet, if this is our soul which inhabits our body, there still needs to be a biological mechanism for a soul to utilize. […]

Market Talk- March 1, 2017

It was the speech that most claimed lacked substance that just did exactly what most thought it couldn’t – rally global stock markets. Yes, Japan’s Biz Cap-Ex released at 3.8% compared to the previous 1.3%; that woke markets, then Manufacturing PMI released a smidgen worse but when the JPY started to fall, everyone blamed Trump. […]

Canada to Fingerprint Anyone who Owes Them Money

  The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has begun to record the fingerprints of every person charged (not yet convicted) with tax evasion. This is a move that could deny them the ability to travel to the United States. If they have a criminal tax offence that is even charged, they could not travel to the […]

The Ship is Sinking

QUESTION: What should readers of your blog like myself invest in before this whole government bubble bursts? It seems to me that when it does burst, equities and bonds will crash at the same time. Thanks and I look forward to hearing back. RL ANSWER: Do not put equities in the same boat with bonds. […]

Trump Should Launch a Criminal Investigation of the NOAA – NOW!

The NOAA has been putting out bogus studies that contradict by scientists at the United Nation who said there was a “pause” in global warming. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said there was no discernible warming since 2000 in its 2013 report. They wrote that global temperatures showed a “much smaller increasing linear […]

Gold – Dow – & the Numbers

QUESTION: Marty; You gave the resistance in the Dow at 20,158 and it stopped at 20,155. Gold you gave a buy signal at the close of 2016. You give us specific numbers to reach for a bounce or a collapse. Gold is rallying now on claims that the latest run up is attributed to the uncertainty […]

Market Talk – January 24, 2017

The safe-haven bid into the yen continues as we trade under 113 early in the US session. As concerns surround the US’s withdrawal out of TTP many worry where this new era is leading the markets. Initially, we have seen some cash return to the bond markets but as the day has worn-on and US […]

The Coming Referendum in Turkey to Consolidate More Power for Erdoğan

A constitutional referendum is planned to be held in Turkey in in the Spring of 2017. A survey is showing that the people are not really in favor of handing endless power to the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Voters are expected to decide on amending 18 articles of the Constitution of Turkey. The amendments have been […]