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Republicans Take the House

The Republican has won the House. It took more than a week for the Associated Press to determine the GOP had won the 218 seats necessary to control the chamber. Never in my entire life have I ever witnessed an election take this long to find out who won. This is all the paper absentee […]

Russian Missile Lands in Poland

Russia fired a number of missiles at Ukraine taking down power grids and hitting Lviv which is just 50 miles from Poland.  It appears that two of those missiles fell short and landed in Poland. Latvia’s deputy prime minister, Artis Pabriks, said Moscow had fired missiles that landed in Poland and Putin sent Warsaw his […]

US Households Lost Over $7,400 Under Biden

I reported in September that the Heritage Foundation estimated that the average American lost $4,200 since Biden became president. Within only a month, their analysis for October revealed that the average family had lost an average of $7,400. Around $6,100 of the loss came from annual income, while interest rates cost the average American $1,300 […]

Democrats Denying Election Results

People laugh at Donald Trump for questioning the results of the 2020 US Presidential Election, where Joe Biden secured more votes than any other president in American history. How quickly they forget that the entire DNC rejected Trump’s appointment for the duration of his presidency. They denied previous elections for every political tier, and some […]

Conservative Politicians Add Thousands of Twitter Followers After Musk Takeover 

Twitter had been openly suppressing conservative voices. The extent to which they were suppressed could be seen days after Musk’s takeover. Multiple major Republican candidates suddenly secured thousands of additional followers, while the opposite was true for Democrats. Florida’s Governor DeSantis saw 3,770 new followers on the first day of Musk’s takeover. Within four days, DeSantis’ […]

Politics Globally is on a New Agenda

COMMENT from Thailand:  In Thailand, for the whole 2020, there is only 61 Covid deaths. Few months after mass vaccination there is 20000 “Covid” deaths. This year, I believed that there is an explosion of COVID illnesses and deaths, just like Canada. And the authority is keeping a tight lip about it. Look like 2022 […]

In Politics – People Want to Believe on What They Want to Hear

COMMENT: The post dealing with the mid-terms had this gem: “This is why all the Greek philosophers from Socrates to Plato were against democracy. It allowed a thin majority to become tyrannical.” What then is the alternative, for there will never come a time when we all agree about anything, let alone everything? The unstated […]

2022 A House Divided Eventually Falls

COMMENT: Marty, Once again your caution proved to be warranted. 2020 looks like it was a dry run for how Democrats will hold onto power….vote harvesting and the Dominion Systems. I wondered what the week of November 7 would be about. Now it seems we have the answer. MS REPLY: I do not have the […]

Interview: There May Not Be a 2024 Election

Watch the video above or click here to see my latest interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog. I will be discussing all of this and more at the World Economic Conference this weekend (virtual tickets are still available). Commentary from Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says, “The cheating in the […]

Fake News – Misinformation or Just Political Bias/Hate Speech

QUESTION: What Tucker said about Raskin, would you call that fake news or misinformation? Just curious. HJ ANSWER: That was Tucker’s “interpretation” of the implication of what Raskin said. It falls outside of both and would probably attribute that more to political bias. I would say “fake news” is more what we saw with COVID […]