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G7 Moving to Destroy Economy & Democracy

  The G7 meeting +1 (EU) met in Cornwall in southwest England. The London Financial Times, which has openly come out and advocated the Great Reset, reported that “Joe Biden has won support at the G7 summit for a ‘carry on spending’ plan, as western leaders rejected austerity in a post-Covid world and vowed to […]

Market Talk – June 11, 2021

ASIA: Didi Chuxing, China’s biggest ride-hailing firm, on Thursday, made public the filing for its long-anticipated U.S. stock market listing, setting the stage for what is expected to be the world’s biggest initial public offering this year. The company – backed by Asia’s largest technology investment firms, SoftBank, Alibaba, and Tencent – did not reveal […]

Market Talk – June 10, 2021

ASIA: Indian economy is expected to expand 8.3 percent in fiscal year 2021-22, a report by World Bank projected on Tuesday. In its latest issue of Global Economic Prospects, the Washington-based global lender said that even though the forecast has been revised up by 2.9 percentage points, its masks significant expected economic damage from the […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2021

ASIA: China has denounced a US Senate bill worth approximately $250bn that aims to boost American technology and manufacturing prowess as an example of the US hyping up “the so-called China threat,” and accused Washington of attempting to hinder its development. The Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved the Innovation and Competition Act. The expansive legislation, […]

Market Talk – June 8, 2021

ASIA: China on Tuesday warned the United States against pursuing a trade deal with Taiwan after the US said it would start negotiations with the self-ruled island. Beijing sees democratic Taiwan as part of its territory. On Tuesday, China’s foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian urged Washington to “stop any form of official exchanges with Taiwan, […]

Market Talk – June 7, 2021

ASIA: China bought fewer American products in May versus the prior month, while exports to the U.S. rose, according to customs data released Monday. China bought $13.11 billion dollars worth of goods from the U.S. in May, down from $13.94 billion in April, data accessed through Wind Information showed. May’s figure marked the lowest monthly […]

Market Talk – June 4, 2021

ASIA: China accused the United States of “suppressing” Chinese firms and issued veiled threats of retaliation on Friday after President Joe Biden expanded a blacklist of companies Americans are barred from investing in. Biden on Thursday widened a list to 59 Chinese companies that are off-limits to American investors over their links to Beijing’s “military-industrial […]

Fauci under Global Attack

Fauci is under attack globally and has shown himself to be unreliable and should be fired – PERIOD! All the emails that have come out from an FOIA request are interesting, and it shows he has information that was credible concerning a leak from the lab in Wuhan. Let me make this PERFECTLY clear! This […]

Market Talk – June 3, 2021

ASIA: Chinese businesses are letting go of more workers than they are hiring, even though the economy is seeing some recovery from the pandemic, official data showed Monday. A survey conducted by National Bureau of Statistics, which polls businesses on how their operations have changed from the prior month, and compiles the responses into two […]

New Age of Authoritarianism

QUESTION: With over 1 million millionaires and billionaires fleeing the north to the south, why do these people not see the handwriting on the wall? Willful ignorance? Or are they planning to try to prevent non vaccinated people from even engaging in any commerce? PG ANSWER: This reminds me of how Spain fell. Indeed, Spain […]