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2032 – How Do We Approach Uncharted Waters?

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong Thanks for your efforts. you are truly amazing! You have said that we should expect inflation to increase due to decreased supply. How should we prepare for that? I do not have the stomach for investing in commodities futures. However, investing in the shares of commodities producing companies is something that […]

The Press’ Conspiracy to Overthrow our Way of Life Exposed?

The Washington Times has come out with the story which is inevitable: COVID-19 turning out to be huge hoax perpetrated by media All my sources have been saying this from the very beginning. Trump needs to get off his ass and start defending the Constitution and the entire world against these people who failed in […]

The Corona Crisis Update

As the nation begins to open back up, many are optimistic that the markets will turn back to normal. While numerous cities adopt a phased approach to gatherings that people assume will allow businesses to reopen but with restricted attendee limits, they are not looking closely at the details. Many people who applied for unemployment […]

Social Distancing – The Destroyer of Civilization?

Social distancing has been a form of psychological warfare that is as old as strategies for war — divide and conquer. Preventing people from commingling may yet prove to be the opposite of the great New York City Blackout of 1977 when electricity was turned off, affecting most of New York City on July 13–14, […]

California ER Doctors Speak Out

California ER Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi This is the same information we are getting from around the country. Hospitals are empty and unless this lockdown is lifted, we will actually see doctors being laid off because there is nobody there and normal healthcare has been suspended. The real public health crisis is the […]

Why Cash Remains KING – Q&A

QUESTION #1: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I’ve been following your blog for quite a while, and have a Basic subscription to Socrates. Wish I could have been able to attend a WEC, but so far that’s not been possible. Also wish I understood everything in Socrates so much better, but my old brain isn’t what it used […]

Gate’s Contraceptive Microchip to be Implanted into Women

  Bill Gates to me is highly inconsistent. He is a huge supporter of Climate Change and has done his TED Talks on lowering CO2 to Zero. Of course, the Climate Change contingent is all about reducing the population which is now about 7.5 billion and Gates laments it will hit 9 billion. So for […]

China – Sanctions & War

QUESTION: Marty; Now Lindsey Grahm is calling for sanction against China. This is starting to seem like the war drums are beating. What do you think? WH ANSWER: I am thoroughly disgusted with this entire pandemic nonsense. There is no way there is any evidence whatsoever that convinces me that this was some plot on […]

Is a Volcanic Winter on the Horizon?

COMMENT: Hello, while thinking about the current disruption in international air traffic, I remembered the following article and wondered if there could be a cycle to international air traffic disruption though there aren’t enough statistics. Interestingly if we consider the first disruption as September 11, 2001 which is roughly 2001.7, we notice that the disruption due […]

Trump Opening America Again

  President Trump played a very smart move against the FAKE NEWS contingent. He outlined broad new federal guidelines for opening up the country that will put the onus on governors to decide how to restart the economies in their states amid mounting fallout from the coronavirus outbreak. The federal guidance doesn’t set a specific […]