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Show me the Money – A Cesspool of Corruption in Washington & Brussels

COMMENT: Hi Martin What l resent is when the big corporations pay no tax at all, and when they get bailouts and still pay no tax when returning to profitability, whilst the masses have theirs increased, this is the in-balance. Regards A ANSWER:  This is why lobbyists were created. Federal income taxes should be abolished. […]

Inequality of Wealth

1904 View of Standard Oil During the Progressive Era around 1910, the Marxist view of the world was all about the massive wealth of the very rich like Rockefeller. Standard Oil would always rule the world. How could that possibly change? They argued this was undermining economic opportunity for others. The government championed the progressive […]

The Federal Reserve: Part I “The Creature from Jekyll Island”

QUESTION: Hello Martin- Great work and I wish you the best. One question regarding your recent email alerts from your blog in regards to the “money out of thin air” discussion that was/is going on. What is your opinion on how G. Edward Griffen’s book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island”, relates to the discussion on […]

Trying to Take the Next Step Forward in Economic Evolution

COMMENT: they now propose a bill which provides that savers’ deposits in Austria will no longer be guaranteed by government. The banks should be responsible for the safety of savings, not the government. Welcome to the almost obsolete world of modern banking.Our deposits/savings largely guaranteed by transactional bankers(whos balance sheets Joe Public cannot possibly understand the […]

Peak in Government Corruption 2015.75?

  As we move into this peak 2015.75, one aspect that should become more obvious is the total breakdown in the corruption of everything. Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey was indicted yesterday on bribery charges.He has been charged for a scheme to trade political favors for luxury vacations, golf outings, campaign donations and expensive flights. […]

Doom & Gloom or Reality

  If I said I was going to punch you in the face, would you just wait for that to happen or would you move and perhaps defend yourself? It is not Doom & Gloom to pay attention and understand how things work. You will not be able to warn someone who does not want […]

The Euro – A Serious Confirmation

The Euro closing for March below 10765 being a Double Monthly Bearish Reversal is rather ominous for the long-term. This confirms we will see the Euro collapse to new lows. This may have more to do with just interest rates. The “feeling” in Europe is far more pessimistic than in the USA. I have a […]

The Majority Are Just Fools

In 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton owed millions of dollars in legal debt. Since then, they’ve earned over $130 million. Where did the money come from? Most people assume that the Clintons amassed their wealth through lucrative book deals and high-six figure fees for speaking gigs. Now, Peter Schweizer shows who is really behind those […]

Political Analysis

Political Forecasting Political forecasting is critical to the overall economic modeling. Our model is the only thing that correctly forecast both BREXIT and that Trump would win. Revolutions, coups, and political unrest disturb the trends in assets and currencies not to mention introduction political risk for capital investment. Attempting to introduce poll results into political […]

Lindsey Graham – Total Nut Case

Well Lindsey Graham is just someone who should be banned from government if not locked away in some prison for he seems to have inherent violent tendencies. Besides arguing that lawyers and trials should not be provided to anyone accused of terrorism and can be imprisoned indefinitely for life with no recourse because the government […]