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Open Letter to the Guardian

(feel free to forward this article to everyone) The Guardian headline is supporting government propaganda that 9 out of 10 economists warn of a dire future if Britain exits the EU. For a newspaper who published Snowden, I would expect a lot more integrity on this issue. The Guardian is reporting propaganda on a grand […]

Dollar Reality – End of Petro Dollars

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, (a) You say that the world is losing confidence in governments and I do not question that for a minute. (b) BUT you also say that the dollar will strengthen for various probable sounding reasons, which it is presently doing. (whereas many think it will collapse). For the collapse theory: it appears […]

BRITEXIT: The Movie   This is an excellent documentary that exposes the truth about the EU and how Brussels was established to deny the people any possible right to vote against government. The EU Parliament is the only such entity in the world that has no power to create or vote on laws. In fact, it is […]

World Economy Melting Down

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have indeed sparked my curiosity. With both the velocity of money and the trading volume declining since 1998, this seems to be a very dangerous position and your work is really eye opening. I read your Transactional Banking and it seems that this has changed everything for the worse. Your Big […]

Upcoming Conferences & Events

Armstrong Economics has hosted events across the globe to accommodate international clientele at various levels. Events are typically announced a few months in advance, and virtual attendance via live stream is now available. Due to the increasing popularity of our events, tickets often sell out quickly. See what past attendees say, CLICK HERE!   We […]

Negative Interest Rates Destroying the World Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I think I am starting to see the light you have been shining. Negative interest rates really are “completely insane”. I also now see that months after you wrote about central banks were trapped, others are now just starting to entertain the idea. Is this distinct difference in your views that eventually […]

Europeans – Get Out While you Can?

QUESTION: Hey Martin. I’ve been a reader of your for years now. Thank you for everything you are doing. I live in Europe in Finland and I can feel this continent collapsing. Do I understand you correctly. You suggest that we Europeans open a bank account somewhere else, hold our savings in dollars and when gold bottoms we buy […]

The Catastrophic Mismanagement of the Economy & The Coming Meltdown

We are finishing up the “Pension Crisis – The Next Nightmare,” which is a special report outlining the next global meltdown. Germany’s Federal Finance Minister Schaeuble is now openly blaming Mario Draghi for the electoral success of the AFD in Germany, which is the Alternative for Germany (In German: Alternative für Deutschland, AfD). The AFD is a […]

The Panama Papers

A lot of emails have been coming in with regard to the Panama Papers. Let me say this from the outset — Panama has been the key place to establish offshore accounts for decades. This was not a government hack. The German daily Suddeutsche Zeitung obtained the stash of records from an anonymous source and shared […]

Ptolemy XII – 80-58/55-51 BC

Monetary History of Egypt Ptolemaic Dynasty Ptolemy XII – 80-58/55-51 BC Ptolemy XII was probably a son of Ptolemy IX by Cleopatra IV. His reign as king was interrupted by a general rebellion that resulted in his exile from 58 to 55 BC in Rome. Therefore, Ptolemy XII ruled Egypt between 80 and 58 BC and […]