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Discourse on Voluntary Servitude

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I realize this topic is not your normal everyday discussion in your blogs and it does not matter to me if you post this or not, However, I thought you might like this condensed story between my wife and I. To be honest here,  I recently read a very small book written […]

What is Money & Are Future Contracts Immoral?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Even though you don’t usually post comments from people that you perceive as “critical” of some of your views, as well as those who try to correct you when you do make errors (we’re all human, not perfect), I still feel compelled to point out some things on several issues you’ve written […]

Shmita cycle & Big Bang

QUESTION: Thank you for the research and insightful posts you share with us each and every day. Question: Since you are keen of market cycles, I wanted to get your take on the 7-year Shmita cycle and the 49-year Jubilee cycle that arises from the 7-year Shmita cycle. As you know, Shmita means ‘shaking’ or […]

It Wont Be The First Time They Hang Bankers

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for explaining the banking problem. It is leverage but they cannot create money without a basic deposit. The way these people spin this you would think you just open a bank and create money by loans without any deposits at all. Why are these people so bent on destroying banks? This […]

Even Flowers Know When to Follow the Sun

  The reason for Optimism is knowing that something exists and that empowers us with the ability to change. We can learn from nature if we look at the divine structure of how things really work just for once. Some garden flowers follow the sun as it travels across the summer sky. Flowers that track […]

How Absurd – Banks Should Not Lend More than Liquidating Value of an Asset?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, there are those who advocate that banks simply cannot ever lend beyond the liquidation value of its assets and that if the bank is threatened with insolvency then you unwind the loans and you eliminate a banking crisis. Do you think this is a viable solution? Thank you Hank ANSWER: No. That is […]

Tsipras meets Putin – Obama Reducing America as Superpower

  Brussel’s sheer stupidity in pushing Greece to pay debts nobody else honors is absolute madness. The proposal we set forth at the Solution Conference is far deeper than many realize at first sight. Eliminating government debt at the federal level will save Europe for with this sort of debt-equity swap, which precisely Putin is […]

New York Showing of the FORECASTER

COMMENT: Marty I saw the film today, Congratulations ! Spectacular ! I only wish that it would play nation wide and be seen by millions of Americans who know things just aren’t right ! My sincere thanks and appreciation for you have done and will soon do with your well thought out but beautifully simple […]

Economic Evolution & the Sixth Wave

QUESTIONS: (1) Mr. Armstrong; I have read theories that this wave of economic evolution you displayed as the sixth wave at the Solution Conference  is the transformation from the industrialized world that was based upon commodities to the new age of intellectual development necessitates a new deflationary age in commodities. Some seem to be even […]

Highest Impertinence of Kings & Ministers

QUESTION: HI, Martin; I am reading your articles. I read you consider that the swiss proposal is  “a  stupid idea”. Ok with that. But if governments start to take all credit away from banks: can this be a signal that a global debt forgiveness is coming for a “global reset” ? Or not necessary? is it […]