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DOJ Admits Laptop From Hell was NOT a Conspiracy

The Department of Justice finally acknowledged that the Laptop From Hell did indeed belong to Hunter Biden. Apple provided the DOJ with information from the laptop years ago after compiling data from Hunter’s iCloud, leading to a multi-year propaganda campaign from the White House. This scandal is far more significant than the president’s son engaging […]

DEI in America – Open Racism

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) protects “the fair treatment and full participation of all people”, mainly groups “who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination.” In other words, DEI is akin to Affirmative Action on steroids. It permits the open discrimination of White and Asian straight males, plain and simple. “This white anxiety is […]

Media Literacy and Disinformation Courses in Public Schools

As of January 1, California now requires students to learn media literacy throughout K-12. Will this curriculum update teach kids to fact-check the biased mainstream media or question everything? No. This bill is aimed at dismantling what the establishment has deemed as “misinformation” in recent years with the goal of rewriting history. Governor Gavin Newsom […]

Censoring Social Media to Prevent Bank Runs

They censored social media to prevent the public from learning the truth about COVID, vaccines, and accompanying mandates. They censored social media to prevent the public from learning about Hunter Biden’s laptop before his dad could be installed at the POTUS. They censored anyone who questioned the election or Biden’s crime family and deliberately leaked […]

Criminally Prosecuting Trump?

There was NEVER a question that the Democrats began their January 6th investigation with the intent to charge Trump criminally with an insurrection all to prevent him from running for office again in 2024. They have “recommended” that former President Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attacks. This was […]

Fetterman v Oz – Another Case Against Mail-In Voting

The Pennsylvania Senate debate between John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz was a complete disaster for Fetterman. I think everyone felt secondhand embarrassment for John. Fetterman seemed incoherent for most of the debate. He struggled to form logical sentences or stay on topic. His team is now in the midst of damage control. They claim that […]

Ballot Harvesting in Arizona

Biden received more votes than any president in US history, but not legally. There is documented evidence of people voting numerous times, and the documentary “2000 Mules” shows exactly how people swung the vote in Biden’s favor. Mail-in ballots changed the 2020 US Presidential Election. No ID was required to vote, forms were sent to […]

Social Media Weaponized for Political Propaganda

It is no coincidence that every social media data leak seems to target conservatives. Snap (formerly Snapchat), an app known for short videos, recently admitted that they leaked Republican voter data to the Democrats. In turn, Snap showed these mostly young voters a barrage of ads in an attempt to change their political stance prior […]

My Son Hunter – Movie Trailer

The left is seething at the upcoming release of “My Son Hunter,” detailing the corruption of Hunter Biden and his father, “the big guy.” Director Robert Davi admitted that Hunter’s lawyers appeared on set in Serbia in an attempt to intimidate the film crew. Producing this film was a risky ordeal, as the producer noted […]

2000 Mules

“2000 Mules” is the new documentary everyone has been discussing. Its current audience score on Rotten Tomatoes is 100%, and interest in the film continues to rise. There is video evidence of voter fraud surrounding the mail-in ballots during the 2020 US Presidential Election. Did Joe Biden actually secure more votes than any president in […]