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COVID-23 First Announced

Here we go again – the World Health Organization has requested information from China in regard to a new respiratory illness and clusters of pneumonia in children. Chinese authorities are blaming the lack of COVID-19 regulations/lack of continued government control in the name of public health. The WHO said that the “influenza-like illness” is comparable […]

Market Talk – October 9, 2023

ASIA:   China is expected to meet its 2023 economic target with a 5.1% GDP growth prediction for the fourth quarter, according to the Institute of Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. However, they also noted a slowdown in growth, with 4.6% growth in the third quarter, down from 6.3% in the second […]

About Martin Armstrong

Our founder, Martin Armstrong, began trading in the mid-1960s. He noticed that it did not matter what the investment was; everything would rally in the heat of a buying panic and then crash in the blink of an eye. His history teacher in high school brought in a black & white movie, The Toast of […]

Neocons In Search Of Another Stooge

Fewer than one in four Americans (24%) want President Joe Biden to run again, according to a poll published on August 17th by the Associated Press. Even 55% of Democrats do not think he should run. As far as his approval rating is concerned, he remains one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. […]

The Collapse of the Rule of Law

COMMENT: Marty, I hear Trump is to be arraigned, this time the first with a mugshot that will certainly go viral worldwide, on Aug. 25th. This is immediately after the BRICS summit on Aug, 22-24 with discussions of a new non-dollar trading currency. I can’t believe these lunatics are going to prove to the world […]

The Myth of FDR’s New Deal

The victor gets to write history, and that is precisely what the LEFT did with FDR and the New Deal. You will never be an accurate analyst unless you accept that you are duty-bound to investigate the truth no matter where it may lead. The myth of the New Deal and its success in dragging […]

The Most Chilling Quote In American History?

CNN is simply a propaganda tool of the deep state. They ignore all the facts and feed the people a 24/7 news loop of lies. A reporter recently said that Trump’s statements regarding his arrest “were among the most chilling and demagogic ever uttered by a major figure in modern American history.” This is what […]

George Soros Hands Power to “More Political” Son Alex

Billionaire George Soros, 92, announced that he is stepping down and passing the reins of power to his 37-year-old son, Alex. The Open Society Foundations founder is worth $6.7 billion but he funneled $18 billion into his foundation in 2017. Soros’ version of philanthropy is instilling his views upon society as a whole and funding […]

The Democrats are Silencing RFK

The Democrats are afraid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He is exposing the truth behind their lies, and the powers that be are silencing him. YouTube has begun scrubbing videos featuring RFK from their site as they with anyone who questioned the pandemic. He already has a massive platform from his famous father and uncle. […]

Biden 2024 – “Let’s Finish the Job” of Ruining America

The worst president in American history is running for re-election under the premise of taking away our remaining freedoms. The media is already stating that the Democrats will not allow any serious challengers. Marianne Williamson, who lost to Biden in 2020, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. both announced that they plan to run, but their […]