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The Danger of Deplatforming Trump

  I really do not care if Karl Marx had a Twitter today and was posting all sorts of things. BigTech is censoring content that they do not like. This is destroying the internet and it always seems to come back to this idea of monopoly and control, no different than the robber barons of […]

New York Times Called for “Reality Czar” to Imprison Anyone they Claim is Stating Fake News?

The New York Times has called on President Biden to create a “Reality Czar” to shut down all dissent, which they immediately label conspiracy theories without any real investigation. In 1924, the New York Times was pushing that we were heading into a new Ice Age. Was that disinformation? CNN has called on cable companies […]

IMPEACHMENT – Urgent Clarification That Divides Country

I have endeavored to provide only reliable information. My sources are real, not imaginary conjuring up plots where Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act and even arrest Pence. The last time that was invoked was in 1992 by George H.W. Bush during the unrest in Los Angeles after the acquittal of police officers who beat […]

FBI Warns of Armed Protest at Biden’s Inauguration

Now we have the FBI warning that there may be an armed assault against Biden during the inauguration. This is getting really crazy. I really hope that is NOT the case but I would not put it past someone deliberately doing so to blame Trump supporters to drive 50% of the country underground. On the […]

Pence & it is His Duty to Count or Reject Votes

Many people are praying that Vice President Mike Pence will reject the count from the disputed states for it is his plenary duty to accept or reject those votes. The 1800 and 1824 elections were contingent elections in Congress after no candidate won a majority of electoral college votes, and a special 15-person commission decided the […]

Trump filed in Supreme Court Today – Triumph of Hope over Experience?

The Trump campaign has filed an emergency motion in the Supreme Court on Sunday to reverse Pennsylvania’s state court rulings that “illegally changed” the state’s mail balloting laws. Therefore, they seek to send the selection of the electors for Pennsylvania to the legislature who has the legal authority to appoint new presidential electors. They asked […]

Politics – It’s Over – Finally?

Can Trump still win with lawsuits or invoking the fraud provisions of the Executive Order of 2018? I am not trying to give anyone false hope. Many people have written in because they do not understand the system. The overseas readers seem to be upset the most for they were hoping for Trump to stand […]

The Chaos of Politics – Economy – Markets

QUESTION: Socrates forecast that the Democrats were declining in the combined house and senate. That seems to be correct given the sharp losses in the house for the democrats. The presidential election seems to have turned on just four cities, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta. Even assuming the vote was real, it looks like your trend […]

Electoral College Voting

Republican electors in Georgia and Pennsylvania have cast votes in the Electoral College for President Trump in an effort to overturn Joseph R. Biden. But that was just not enough. This will leave this matter now to the courts and if the Supreme Court will Act on the Powell and other suits that have standing. […]

The Common Words of Politicians & Great Reset

  COMMENT from FRANCE: Hello and thank you for your fantastic insights. I live in France and I just thought you may be interested in what the French President recently said in an interview he gave to a media called Brut. He was asked whether he would be a candidate for the next presidential elections […]