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The Markets & the Political Chaos into the Future – Where do we go?

Sometimes it is important to try to look at markets from an interrelated perspective. Here is the Dow/Gold Ratio which shows the extreme high in the Dow when gold made its historic low in 1999. We then see that gold rallied into 2011 against the Dow, but since that high, the Dow has been gaining […]

Paris Erupts into Protests Against Macron & Lockdowns

Today in Paris, many thousands of “yellow vests” took to the streets to demonstrate against French President Emmanuel Macron and the French government over its draconian lockdowns and CORONA restrictions. This was a massive riot where police not only used tear gas and batons, they were firing both rubber bullets and live ammunition. These lockdowns […]

The Democrats are Indeed Looking for a Coup d’etat

The Democrats are approaching the military to remove Trump as long as the major press declares Biden the winner. They also have the intelligence agencies in their back pocket. Based upon our computer projections for Panic Cycles starting in November and running into February, yet predominantly in December and February, I do not see the […]

Solution – Legal Battle Against Socialism

We are in need of a qualified lawyer prepared to file a lawsuit against Progressive Taxation as a denial of Due Process and Equal Protection of the law. For centuries, people have debated whether the wealthy should pay more taxes on a percentage basis than everyone else and what even constitutes the wealthy. The definition […]

Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter – All Social Media is Being Manipulated by the Left

The media which everyone knows is now so biased and manipulated, has the audacity to claim that Trump’s new Executive Order threatens free speech. The problem is their view of “free” speech is to twist whatever they desire to fit their agenda. Here is CNN and how they manipulate statistics to put out fake stories. […]

Biden Wants Woman VP – But Not Hillary Knowing She would be One, OOPS, Sorry about that, Away from Power.

It’s often thought that a vice-presidential candidate has little bearing on the election, but many factors make Joe Biden’s choice a consequential one, including his pledge to pick a woman. As for voters, a new poll shows they have a clear favorite for the VP slot. And the process is playing out amid the Tara […]

Bill Gates Will Fail

COMMENT:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, I read with great interest your article on what Bill Gates is preparing for us. Rest assured he will fail 100000000% Do you know why I am so sure? It is very simple: I write from Europe and I know that there is a sport that is not your favourite but […]

Biden Becomes a Not So Moving Target

I previously reported that the Ukrainian prosecutor who Biden demanded be fired, filed a suit against Biden’s improper use of power that cost him his job in Ukraine. Now, a Ukrainian court has ordered an investigation into whether Joe Biden violated any laws when he forced the March 2016 firing of the country’s chief prosecutor. […]

Super Tuesday

Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota have dropped out of the race after behind the curtain lobbying. Klobuchar and Buttigieg both endorsed Biden, which was no surprise. The Democrats are doing everything to prevent Bernie from becoming their candidate. The plot still thickens for the scuttlebutt remains that if they can stop Bernie […]

Bernie’s Victory Inspires a Panic Next Week?

Just to let everyone know, since more than 50% of our clients are outside the USA, we have a very international reach with sources around the globe. Get prepared for volatility next week. Despite the Democrat’s personal hatred of Trump, the international view is that Trump is the ONLY sane leader in the world right […]