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AOC’s Support May Be More Vulnerable Than Anyone Wants to Talk About

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said that that AOC won for the same reason that Trump won, just vote against the incumbent. Do you see her being elected again in 2020? PL ANSWER: If you look at the numbers of the 14th district there in New York, you can see what I have been talking about. Joe […]

Government Corruption in Municipalities is Off The Charts

One of the secret tools government pulls is to deny the people the right to vote on key issues they want that are often cloaked in backroom deals. Seattle is a great example of how the local government pulls every trick in the book to hide the truth about what they are really up to. The Seattle […]

Will the Democrats Split into Two Parties after AOC’s Threats?

The Democrats cheered the election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for they were sure that they were now going to be the party of the millennials. However, there is a growing division with the Democratic Party that for the first time may see itself fracture and divide as was the case when it split from the […]

The Rising Political Violence

  The Make America Great Again was actually a slogan used by Ronald Reagan who became one of the more popular presidents in postwar history. A Tennessee man is in jail after being accused of pulling a gun on a Sam’s Club customer Saturday 16th of February because he was wearing one of these hats. The […]

The Coming Political Siege Warfare of 2019

  As I have warned, the next two years are going to be an outright political siege warfare. Far more damage will be done to the United States and the world economy in this desperate attempt for the Democrats to retake the White House in 2020. Congress will launch its investigation of Trump’s role in Cohen’s […]

The Realist View of the Midterms

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your take on the midterm elections is that the Democrats really failed and simply won a symbolic victory? Thank you IE ANSWER: Yes. The Democrats keep making lower highs and deeper lows. They do not review the major trend nor are they willing to revise their central theme.  While the Democrats won the majority […]

Political Uncertainty is the New Contagion?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand how the chaos with Trump is the wildcard for the stock market going forward which is something we need to follow here even from Europe. But we have chaos in Germany with Merkel who looks like a dictator who will only leave office if you drag her out by the hair. […]

Beware of Political Uncertainty

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I take it your concern over Trump from the market perspective is the sheer uncertainty that is evolving. How do you see this playing out for the world economy? Thank you. I agree. These people who hate Trump just hate him so passionately. MRU ANSWER: Markets do not like UNCERTAINTY. These people […]

The Next American Civil War – Thank You Mueller

The Mueller investigation is all about removing Trump from office, which has been cheered by CNN, New York Times, and The Washington Post among many others. They are intent on overturning the results of a Democratic election to ensure this is no longer a government of the people for the people. They see this as […]

Should Hospitals be NATIONALIZED?

The symbol of medicine comes from a small town located on the Peloponnese in Greece known as Epidaurus. People would travel there to pray for their health to Asclepius (Greek: Ἀσκληπιός) who was the god of medicine in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Asclepius represented the healing aspect of the medical arts. They would pray to his […]