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Can Patterns Target Individuals?

QUESTION: hello, you wrote today: The degree of complexity in modeling even things like the cycles of war can be done right down to an individual. It is looking for patterns based upon your cycle work is Hillary Clinton likely to be the next president? regards., Ted ANSWER: Our models on politics do not target an […]

What Can We Do?

A number of people have asked what can we do about losing our rights. I believe there is nothing we actually can do until the majority get upset. That may be what the 2016 Presidential elections are about. Political Change only comes when the economy turns down. The old adage – if it ain’t broke […]

The Risk of Low Interest Rates

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved October 13th, 2012 The Risk of Low Interest Rates Analysis is dominated by simply opinion and therein lies the problem. Economics has become nothing like a science. In physics, one observes and then determines the “LAWS” as to how the universe functions. In the field of Economics and Finance, […]

2013 Budget Reveals the Catastrophic Collapse of our Entire Economic System The President’s 2013 Budget is out and it should be stated that there is no forecasting ability incorporated in this report. The projections are based on the assumption that what is in motion stays in motion. So the increase in interest expenditures that they freely show here will exceed all nondefense spending in the […]