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The French Elections

The French Elections are in complete chaos. We are witnessing the collapse of the Fifth Republic of France. Our computer correctly forecasted that the Socialist Party would lose. It also forecasted that Le Pen’s party would beat the Socialists and most likely even the conservatives, which is led by Francois Fillon. Yet, the scandal around […]

Gallup Poll: Trust Level of Mainstream Media Falls to 32%

Gallup first began asking if Americans trusted the mainstream media in 1972. America’s trust and confidence in mainstream media stood at its highest level back in 1976 at 72%. Of course, that was due to the investigative journalism regarding Vietnam, and naturally Woodward and Berstein, with the Watergate scandal. Following that period, the media began to […]

The Dow for Year-End — Will it All Just Go Nuts for 2017?

The Dow Jones Industrials still remains in a bullish posture on a broader perspective. The real critical support will lie at 16500 and the Panic Support is well below the market at 13100. Panic Support is the level, if breached intraday, where a Panic Crash unfolds. That is the real important level for 2016, but […]

Domestic Myopic Excuses – The Worst is yet to Come

To try to explain the markets and how there can be a rising stock market with rising bonds, analysts characterize this weird trend as a US monetary experiment of the past four years, which has been caused by the Fed’s endless monetary injections (and pent up inflation expectations) while the bond rally has been due […]

Zuckerberg Admits he Complied with Biden-Harris Censorship

#ICYMI ⤵️ — House Judiciary GOP ?????? (@JudiciaryGOP) August 27, 2024   Mark Zuckerberg is squealing to the press that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris “repeatedly pressured” him to censor content on Facebook before and during their time in the White House. Zuckerberg was a willing participant who openly censored his platform for over […]

Democrats Kicking Biden Out

It began with Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump, followed by a series of gaffes on the global stage. The public has been carefully watching Biden for signs of cognitive decline, of which there have been plenty. First, the media began to cover stories highlighting Biden’s failing cognition, with commentators questioning Biden’s ability to serve […]

The ETHICS Act – End Insider Trading in Congress

Both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate can agree on one thing – Congress has been using classified information to illegally trade stocks. Our public servants have been bought out by lobbyists and they no longer work for the public. A bipartisan group is passing on a formal consideration to prevent members of Congress and […]

Background Checks are Racist

Biden’s botched recreation of Trump’s convenience store stop has resulted in more than a failed campaign attempt. On the same day that Joe Biden shuffled through Sheetz, a privately owned convenience store chain with 700 stores across six states, an organization in line with his administration decided to file a lawsuit against Sheetz for violating […]

Woman Who Discovered Ashley Biden’s Diary Sentenced

I reported earlier in the week that the Department of Justice (DOJ) was seeking charges against the woman who discovered Ashley Biden’s diary that she left in a rehab facility for sex addicts. The woman, Aimee Harris, 41, attempted to sell the diary to Project Veritas, but special agents raided the facility and prevented it […]

One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit to Fraud

We know that the mail-in voting system was implemented as a measure to control the vote. The question becomes how far does the fraud go? The Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute conducted a survey that found one-in-five mail-in voters committed voter fraud during the 2020 US Presidential Election. These are merely the people who […]