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Do Documents of the Government Belong to the Government or the People?

COMMENT: Dear Marty, Rudy Giuliani, Trump‘s lawyer and former mayor of New York, says Julian Assange of Wikileaks should not be prosecuted and compares his work to the Pentagon Papers. Kind regards, MS   REPLY: I totally disagree with the attempt to prosecute Julian Assange of Wikileaks or Snowden. The argument for his prosecution is based […]

VICE – The Dick Cheney/Rumsfeld Conspiracy

  I went to go watch VICE – the story about how Dick Cheney took over the government with the aid of his wife – Lynne Cheney. Vice is a film that seeks to bring complicated information about the inner corruption in Washington and transform it into a digestible and entertaining format. There is no question that Christian […]

Geographical Morality versus Universal Morality

There has always been a question in law that was originally argued as the conflict of laws known as “geographical morality” versus “universal morality” that emerged in one of the longest running trials in British history. The case involved an East India Company corruption which was brought against Warren Hastings (1732-1818) between 1787 and 1795. Hastings […]

German Hyperinflation & the Dawes Plan

The German Hyperinflation was by NO MEANS about inflation created by an increase in the money supply under the Quantity Theory of Money (QTM). Today, Angela Merkel has forcefully imposed Austerity upon the whole of Europe because she really does not understand what even caused the hyperinflation. It was at the Palace of Versailles outside […]

Mass Exodus from NYC Due to Taxes

  Taxes have begun to cross the point of no return in New York City. New York City is losing its middle class faster than at any time since the Great Depression. While the rich get richer from investments and the poor get richer from increased social benefits, the loser is always the middle class. The […]

Is it Enlightenment or Just Waking Up?

QUESTION:  I have a couple of questions for Martin’s blog is of any interest; 1. Did the challenges of the justice system in this case over those years contribute towards some kind of enlightenment? What I am asking is have you reached the state of enlightened? 2. Do your models envisage a large uptake of the […]

Market Talk- December 21, 2018

Another weak close for US markets and again, that sentiment just rolled into Asia and the mood was set for the day. Japan took the brunt as stocks lost another 1% as financials led much of the way following a disappointing BOJ’s unchanged stance. This inspired a revival of the Yen safety bid and took […]

The Central Bank War – Nobody Notices

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: I have watched in amazement how you connect all these elements. Everyone I spoke to agreed this was your best WEC ever. You have said the Fed needed to raise rates because of the pension crisis and it would have nothing to do with inflation but it has to normalize rates to help […]

How the Hunt for Taxes will Destroy Everything

It really is very astonishing how brain-dead politicians are. The latest stats are showing that residents are increasingly fleeing New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. The perpetually rising taxes are just getting insane. We just received this notice ourselves about taxes due in California. Apparently, they must have subpoenaed Amazon to see who has merchandise they are storing […]

Why Will Alberta move to Separate from Canada

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Quick question for you, as someone who grew up in Quebec in the 90’s, when Quebec was voting to separate. And now living in Alberta, and seeing the sheer anger here towards Canada, is there a legitimate chance Alberta moves towards the path of separation and actually brings it to a vote? […]