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Trump Forced to Dissolve Advisory Committees As Left Targets Businesses

The protesters in New York have succeeded in threatening any business that works with Trump. They targeted JP Morgan and Blackstone demanding they resign. This has manifested in Trump having to save face and he dissolved two advisory committees with group managers rather than have them resign under pressure. Trump said he had completed the work […]

CNN Calls Anyone Who Disagrees With Them a Fascist

Jennifer Lawrence, who came out in 2015 and said that if Trump became President it would be the “end of the world” has finally come out and said our  politically polarized country needs to come together because “we can’t continue this divide and anger.” “There needs to be a bridge,” she told in an interview with Vogue […]

Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429 (1895)

U.S. Supreme Court Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429 (1895) Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company No. 898 Argued March 7, 8. 11, 12, 13, 1895 Decided April 8, 1895. 157 U.S. 429 APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Syllabus […]

Facial Recognition in Street Cameras to Increase Tax Revenues

Many cities around the world are now introducing facial recognition into their cameras which monitor the streets. In other words, the government will know who and where you are. New York City is introducing this technology. This is by no means about terrorism. It is being employed to find anyone accused of any crime and […]

American Imperialism – Why Congress Violates International Law

We have a very serious problem with Congress. Their actions in far too many ways is displaying (1) a total disregard for international law, and (2) a clear arrogance that they will punish foreigners for not obeying US law outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. What if Germany passed a law to punish […]

Russian Sanctions – The Start of World War III?

The Russian sanctions being pushed by Congress demonstrates the most unprofessional comprehension of how to manage an economy I have ever seen. These sanctions are effectively economic war and will find that Europe will be forced to side with Russia. This is all because of the press like CNN. To get ratings they are indeed […]

Browder – Russia – Trump – Safra

William Felix Browder is all over the news trying to play into the whole Russian/Trump affair muddling the waters. Browder founded Hermitage Capital to invest exclusively in Russian companies. Edmond Safra, the notorious banker who was the center of what was called the Money Plane, put in $25m of seed capital for Hermitage Capital and Safra’s Republic […]

China – A Different Central Bank Altogether

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe you once said at your conference that you were surprised when you were asked to fly to Beijing to meet with the central bank because you were not an academic, but a trader. I think you said when you got there they were traders working in the bank, not academics. […]

Does CNN Really Have the Right to Freedom of Speech?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your article on CNN imposing a fiduciary duty upon the directors as a public corporation. I tried to search if corporations truly have constitutional rights. It seems that there is a conflict on that subject and they may not have such rights at the end of the day. Would you […]

Is Trump Draining or Filling the Swamp?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Trump appoint another ex-Goldman Sachs guy as the head of the SEC. Some say he is not draining the swamp but filling it. Care to comment? ANSWER: Walter J. “Jay” Clayton III firm where he worked represented Goldman but he did not work for Goldman. He comes from Sullivan & Cromwell, which represents just […]