Showing 1934 Results for New York
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Showing 1934 Results for New York
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May 29, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have read where some people are claiming this “Shari’ah Standard on Gold” will become the new “reserve currency” and this seems really just nuts. I understand there are 2 billion Muslims in the world, but they seem to forget that this is once again wild speculation. Any thoughts? OP ANSWER: No. This […]
May 28, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I respect your legal reasoning. A friend of mine is a lawyer and he said you are pretty sharp. So I pose this question. People are claiming that James Comey’s testimony on May 3, 2017 is the smoking gun that proves Trump did not ask him to stop the investigation into Russia. […]
May 27, 2017
QUESTION: Hi Martin, Long time… perhaps you can reflect on the indicator of the Shiller CAPE ratio? Not that it is a predictive sell/buy signal in itself, but it is an indicator showing history R ANSWER: The Shiller Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio known as CAPE, is a particular PE ratio invented by Robert Shiller of […]
May 26, 2017
There is a very serious hypocrisy over this whole issue of Russia trying to influence the 2016 election when the Obama Administration directly intervened in Canada, Britain, and France as well as Israel and is expected to do so again in Britain and Germany. The New York Times, Washington Post, and just about every other […]
May 24, 2017
The all out war going on in Washington is to get rid of Trump to prevent him from “draining the swamp” and to stop any tax reform or reform of the Deep State. At this point anyone can say whatever they want and the press as well as Congress will take it as absolute Truth. […]
May 19, 2017
Back in October 2015, we reported that “in response to the refugee crisis, the German city of Hamburg has enacted a new law that will enable the government to seize vacant commercial properties to provide temporary housing for refugees. The law will go into effect next and will last until March 2017. Despite the additional […]
May 18, 2017
The Washington Post, New York Times, and CNN, among others, are desperately trying to get rid of Trump to support the status quo, the deep state, and prevent any economic reform whatsoever. Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post for $250 million and cut a deal with the CIA to build their cloud getting $600 million. […]
May 18, 2017
QUESTION: The Democrats are trying to now demand a special prosecutor to replace Comey and will not accept anything else and are threatening they will stop the government until they get what they want. There is talk that this could lead to evidence of impeachment. Is that possible? ANSWER: Nixon was impeached because at the […]
May 18, 2017
No incoming President in history has ever been so constantly attacked than Donald Trump. Look, he says some stupid things and nobody is perfect. Still, there is a whole different agenda going on here with absolutely every issue being called a constitutional crisis worthy of impeachment. Quite frankly, it is time to take off the […]
May 16, 2017
Macron’s funding reveals that elite Socialists were really behind him changing the label to sell a centrist agenda, but in reality, to maintain their agenda. Macron was able to raise funds from French abroad with the promises of change, and this targeted particularly the French who fled Hollande living in London and New York. He did a […]