Showing 1934 Results for New York
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Showing 1934 Results for New York
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January 23, 2017
COMMENT: In the UK, the organizers of this woman’s march said it was not a protest about Trump. In the United States it is being billed as a Trump protest. What a difference the other side of the pond. ANSWER: Yes. Here the press is always going to be negative and will do whatever they […]
January 21, 2017
Meddling with public opinion is by no means altering the voting machines or vote tallies. Fake news statements can be countered with truth, but only when our own media is not part of a domestic propaganda action to benefit one side, as was the case with 77% of all news stories anti-Trump and pro-Hillary. The […]
January 16, 2017
The collapse of the Clinton Foundation is in full swing demonstrating that this was all really about selling influence. Given the bad press for the Clinton Foundation, combined with Hillary’s loss, has sent her political donations running for the hills. The Clinton Global Initiative was their pretend centerpiece to which they claimed its goal “convenes […]
January 11, 2017
Trump has broken his word and is by no means draining the swamp — he is filling it. He has really betrayed a lot of people by his nomination of Gary D. Cohn as Director of the National Economic Council, which is a policy-making position for domestic and international economic issues. The one legal firm in New York […]
January 2, 2017
COMMENT: Hi Martin, Not everyone hates the rich, for without them the lower class would have nothing. What people are angry about are the disgusting bonuses to bankers after they failed everyone whilst hard working people with small businesses were the ones robbed and still being robbed via taxation. Some wealthy people deserve what they […]
January 1, 2017
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; What you have forecast in so many different fields has been a remarkable achievement. It is now quite evident why the government has tried to stop you all these years. I thank God he gave you the strength to see this through. The stock market rising, gold consolidating, Trump and Brexit victories, […]
January 1, 2017
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for you have been correct on every market demonstrating that everything is explicitly connected. What you have taught me is more than just trading a single market to make money. You have taught me how to see the world and connect the dots. I can see the […]
December 28, 2016
Some ask why I only criticize the left and not the right. As the Guardian wrote, the left is on the rise. There are 50 shades between left and right. If we are talking about the 1%, that is really small business, for that begins at $250,000 annual income. Everyone confuses the 1% with the “super-rich” who are […]
December 26, 2016
A gay lawyer, Dan Goldstein from Brooklyn, who had a child in his arms, outright abused everyone and Ivanka Trump with her husband and children when they were flying in coach on JetBlue from JFK. However one hour before that INCIDENT, Matthew Lasner, Goldstein’s gay wife, wrote on Twitter: “Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying […]
December 21, 2016
Clinton’s fallout is interestingly causing an internal revolution among Hillary’s big donors. At her New York bash to “thank” her big donors of $1 million or more, she took no blame and pointed the finger at Comey and Putin. Her spin did not work and she has lost a lot of credibility according to confidential […]