Showing 1934 Results for New York
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Showing 1934 Results for New York
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February 29, 2016
COMMENT: A Hollywood feature film – well done. And you’re circumspect enough to realize it’s “the collective”, “the source”, whatever, that decides ALL; not you. But you’ve been gifted a particular insight; or was it those years incarcerated, studying your navel? Ahh- the irony! Thank you so much. NMM REPLY: Yes, I signed the contracts for the […]
February 23, 2016
Mary Lou Marzian, a politician in Kentucky, introduced a bill that has really raised some eyebrows. The bill proposes to ban men from accessing Viagra and other similar drugs unless they have a signed note from their wife and a sworn promise to only use the drugs with their spouse. This is clearly way over […]
February 18, 2016
Real Estate is in crash mode. London and Hong Kong look the worst after both were off 15%+ in the first month of the turn from September 30, 2015. The Miami market has been flooded with money from South America whereas New York has been the target for Asia and Europe. The U.S. market is […]
February 18, 2016
Governments everywhere are going broke. Despite what people think, gold may yet make new record lows under $1,000 in the months ahead. Canada has sold off a piece of its gold reserve into this rally. There is NO intention of returning to a gold standard. They are moving fully electronic and intend to eliminate cash everywhere. […]
February 18, 2016
As of January 31, Hillary has raised $163.5 million, which is more than any of the other presidential candidates. The question that comes to mind is why would the big banks back Hillary when she pretends to be willing to curb their abuse? The answer lies in what she said at her Goldman Sachs speeches. […]
February 17, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong : Since you have deep knowledge about coins and currencies going back to ancient times, it would be really helpful to get your view of what Bitcoin is or could be as a sort of “World Currency”. Is it a fad or something that should be taken seriously? Thank you – BH ANSWER: No, […]
February 10, 2016
QUESTION: Dear Marty, When talking about negative interest rates and a shift of cash from banks to the stock market from 2017, would that not mean that cash may also shift to property and other assets? Yet I thought that we have seen the high in the property market already? Thanks for your useful insights […]
February 10, 2016
European banks are in a real crisis. They have been decimated by fines and trading after they tried to mimic their New York competition without the same expertise. Then they had to use euro debt of member states as reserves. Next came the rising taxes and the push to enforce taxation which has seriously harmed […]
February 2, 2016
When a jury gets the chance to try a policeman, we see results. This is indicative of the coming collapse of government on the other side of 2015.75. The police being quick to kill is not limited to the United States. This incident took place in Toronto. The jury found James Forcillo guilty of attempted murder […]
January 31, 2016
Typically, the first thing society addresses that sparks a revolution is the abuse of justice. Shakespeare’s famous quote, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers,” is not actually about lawyers. You have to understand the context. Private individuals were not allowed to have lawyers in those days – only the king could have lawyers. It was not until […]