Showing 1934 Results for New York
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Showing 1934 Results for New York
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August 13, 2014
QUESTION: Dear Martin, Just to probe your theory further, If a meteor were to hit New York and wipe out Wall Street would your predictions on ECM still be intact? Don’t tell me even meteors also are part of cycle to choose when to hit the earth 🙂 Best wishes, S ANSWER: Honestly, the answer to […]
August 5, 2014
QUESTION: Martin, The problem with cap money flows is that they can turn quickly. For instance, does socrates take in to acct the drought in the west? If so it must know that the cattlemen are preparing for major water deliveries. This is happening all the way the the hills of the SF bay area. Good […]
August 5, 2014
The computer has done a pretty good job on forecasting the markets, but also the rise in the Cycle of War that seems to be exploding absolutely everywhere. All I can do is articulate what it is forecasting for nobody could possibly make such a forecast years in advance based solely upon opinion or even […]
August 1, 2014
Obama should just resign. He is outrageous. He supported the NSA and has claimed the CIA does not spy on Congress. Well, the Inspector General has released his report and oops – yes the CIA spies on Congress. Let’s get real here. I have reported that for 2 years speaking and communicating with people on […]
July 24, 2014
When a court issues a ruling it is actually called its “opinion”. In religious circles, many of the Protestants revolted against the Catholic Church because they did not like the fact that if the Pope decreed something, it was considered to be infallible – the Sacred Magisterium. Well American judges take the same position. Papal infallibility […]
July 23, 2014
Housing in Washington never collapsed because it is supported by your tax dollars. Good or bad, the money flows to Washington. The very same hotel chain charges $200 in Philadelphia, $300 in New York City and $400 in Washington. It ain’t for the tourist. It’s for the sea of lobbyists. Since 2001, the president has […]
July 12, 2014
The US real estate market remains very diverse. The high end has been bought by Europeans and Chinese trying to get off the grid. The Chinese have been the biggest buyers as far as ticket price is concerned by the Canadian have been buying the largest amount of property in the USA and with the […]
July 9, 2014
Citigroup Inc is reported to be close to paying about $7 billion in fines to resolve a U.S. probe into whether it defrauded investors on billions of dollars worth of mortgage securities in the run-up to the financial crisis, reported News Daily. The USA has discovered a cash-cow and the banks have paid now over […]
June 22, 2014
COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, just want to share with you an interview today with Mr Draghi in the Dutch newspaper ‘De Telegraaf’ (June 21st 2014). I had google translated the text but made some modifications here and there. Hope you can still understand it. Draghi wants more power to Brussels, that’s quite clear from the […]
June 19, 2014
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong – The Liberal majority was no surprise – they are still the best political machine in the province. They promise no deficit in 2 years – well that’s smack in the middle of 2016, so good luck with that. What worried me was the militant advertisements by the Ontario Provincial Police […]