Showing 1933 Results for New York
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Showing 1933 Results for New York
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August 24, 2013
QUESTION: Dear Martin, Thanks for the education, I read every article you post. As a European ex-pat long based in S.E. Asia, I agree that Switzerland is probably one of the safest places to store wealth. However recently, the Swiss enacted a Bail-in law, whats more my 200+ yr old Swiss bank plans to change its […]
August 24, 2013
Some nasty comments immediately focus on that statement and as always only emerge from the gold fanatics who will never change their mind about anything no matter what the facts might be. Of course they are based upon a PRESUMPTION that gold always has value without any historic proof whatsoever. The only thing in a […]
August 24, 2013
Tn the UK, regulators like the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) are not as bought and paid for as they are in New York. The latest scandal to hit the banking sector involves CPP Group Plc as well as 13 other major banks and credit card companies. The scam has been to sell insurance to cover if your […]
August 14, 2013
These politicians are lawyers – not economists. Lawyers are trained NOT so much in how to comply with the law, but how to avoid it. When Bill Clinton was under deposition he asked what was the definition of “is”. People laughed at that. But this is how a legal background works. It is word-smithing. You […]
August 11, 2013
About 1,000 people have besieged the American Military Base in Sicily demanding America get out with its huge antenna there. The protest began claiming this spy satellite is harmful to the health of the people. The police were called in to intervene and had to tear gas the protesters. Several 100 demonstrators stormed a U.S. military base […]
August 11, 2013
There are many lawsuits being filed against the New York Bankers for manipulating the commodities. Suits have been filed in Florida, Chicago, and New York. It is no secret that I have stood up to these people an opposed their manipulations. But this has been the name of the name in the commodity field for […]
August 10, 2013
QUESTION: You mentioned Russia recalled its platinum to take inventory that sent platinum up about 25%. I searched for that event but couldn’t find it. Can you provide any other details? ANSWER: Searching for events like this is not easy to say the least. You do have to know when to narrow the search. Here […]
August 9, 2013
The US has been using the British and the Germans to spy on Americans as they in turn gather evidence on their citizens and they are all avoiding the the law. “Parallel Construction” is a term used within government when they are creating fictitious documents to pretend how a case against any citizen actually begins. The […]
August 7, 2013
Obama – End FANNIE & FREDDIE! President Obama after almost 5 years FOLLOWING the taxpayers bailout of the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, said on Tuesday that it’s time to end government bailouts for the mortgage industry and for private investors to take a bigger role in the mortgage market. That is kind of […]
August 5, 2013
QUESTION: Do you think gold would be confiscated by government as was the case by Roosevelt? ANSWER: Absolutely. It is a question that we must confront. As long as they think money is tangible and they seek to satisfy the bankers by servicing the debt, then they will do whatever it takes to retain power. […]