Showing 1933 Results for New York
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Showing 1933 Results for New York
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July 8, 2013
Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions A joint paper by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England 10 December 2012 Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England Executive summary The financial crisis […]
July 4, 2013
The Euro has plummeted dropping to 12900 zone. Our Daily Bearish on the spot lies at 12940. Portugal interest rates have jumped to 8% and will move higher. Austria has closed 25% of all the branches of their bank in crisis, and we are waiting for the first crack in German banks. The EU Commission […]
July 3, 2013
QUESTION: How does your model predict even civil unrest like this? It is honestly quite intriguing. ANSWER: True. I have come to understand that fundamental events like this are NEVER the cause of a trend, but the response to a trend. In other words, it is the economic factors that causes the change in social […]
July 2, 2013
People are just starting to wake up that there are other people behind the curtain who just feel that they have to know everything everywhere all the time. When our model correctly forecast the collapse of the Russian economy and the London Financial Times broadcast that all over the place, things started to get dicey […]
July 2, 2013
QUESTION: What/Where is the nearest “custodian banker?” ANSWER: We are trying to put a list together. Two in NYC are Bank of New York and Brown Brothers Harriman. Ask you bank for a financial statement and asked directly what were their earnings from proprietary trading
July 1, 2013
A revelation is dawning that the excuse of the NSA looking for terrorists but taking absolutely everything, is at last causing a light to go off. European politicians realize that they are targets and the name of the game is to blackmail anyone that the NSA simply does not like. They realize that the New […]
July 1, 2013
Dancing with the 800 Pound Gorilla The strangest part of my own case was the fact that anyone who has ever attempted to go after Goldman Sachs & crew of Investment Bankers, has strangely encountered the heavy hand of government that is used to protect them resulting in the New Your Investment Bankers being called […]
June 30, 2013
It is starting to become critical regarding what bank to trust. The Bank War of Andrew Jackson just may be reemerging at last with the target being this time the “club” led by the New York Investment Bankers. The dangerous bankers in NYC and elsewhere are those who are proprietary traders. The NY Investments Bankers […]
June 28, 2013
The father of propaganda is Edward Louis Bernays (November 22, 1891 – March 9, 1995). The government tries to imprison and kill anyone who leaks information about what they do from illegal war murders, illegal seizing of all our phone calls and emails, or to the latest leak about US cyber-attacks. It is not even just […]
June 28, 2013
QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong. I visited New York on business and after the market closed yesterday we went to a bar. I was shocked when the group at the next table of Wall Streeters were talking about you. The consensus was you were probably the greatest analyst that ever existed and how Bloomberg News will never […]