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Biden’s Attempt to Restrain the Supreme Court Warns the End is Near

This partisan part-time political hack we call President Biden has had the blatant gall to call for term limits on Justices of the Supreme Court only because the Democrats want the Court to rule as they see fit – not according to the Constitution. In HARRIS v. McRAE, 448 U.S. 297 (1980), a pregnant woman […]

1982- Asian Immigrants Eating Squirrels, Ducks, and Dogs – NY Times

This whole thing about eating cats and dogs has stirred up a hornet’s nest. People are writing in that their pets have vanished recently, while others are saying this was the outcome following the Vietnam War, where people were missing pets, and they were eating squirrels, ducks, and dogs in San Francisco. That was even […]

NY Judge Forced to Postpone Trump’s Case Until After the Election

The latest video surfacing from a New York Federal Prosecutor’s office says what the entire world knows: that Bragg’s case is BS and that he has brought this case to climb the ladder politically. This is what prosecutors do. Since Guiliani prosecuted John Gotti and became Mayor, the same took place with Christi in New […]

Venezuelan Gang Overruns Colorado Apartment Complex

NEW VIDEO armed group at troubled #aurora #colorado apartment complex now home to many migrants. Councilmember @DaniJurinsky says gangs have taken over the complex @KDVR @AuroraPD — Vicente Arenas (@vicentearenastv) August 28, 2024 A dangerous trans-international gang has overtaken an apartment complex in Colorado. US residents are unable to leave their homes as these […]

US 2024 May be Our Last

This year’s election is shaping up to be decided in court rather than the ballot box. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are preparing for what will become a very heated and nasty legal battle that is certain to tear the country further apart. The mainstream media will naturally betray the country and everything the […]

The First Soveregn Default of the United States on the Military

QUESTION: I had an argument with my son that what they teach in school is never the truth, not even about history. I was trying to find that writing you did years ago that the GI Bill was enacted only because they defaulted on the soldiers twice before. If I remember correctly, I think you […]

Zuckerberg Admits he Complied with Biden-Harris Censorship

#ICYMI ⤵️ — House Judiciary GOP ?????? (@JudiciaryGOP) August 27, 2024   Mark Zuckerberg is squealing to the press that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris “repeatedly pressured” him to censor content on Facebook before and during their time in the White House. Zuckerberg was a willing participant who openly censored his platform for over […]

Property Taxes and Taxing You on Unrealized Gains

COMMENT: Hello Martin, they already “tax” the paper increase in property taxes. My tax bill went up 70% in the last two years. All I enjoy is an increases mortgage statement. I decided to fight it this time and from now on every year. After having looked into how they do come up with new assessments […]

Have the Democrats Reversed the American Dream?

Before the evolution of the Industrial Revolution, Social Mobility truly did not exist. More often, one tended to follow in the footsteps of their family. Farmers remained on the farm just as those in the various skilled trades remained in those guilds. This tended to be true even from ancient times before Rome became the […]

Who Was the Real Inspiration to the American Revolution? Are We Doomed to Repeat History?

I recently watched an excellent series on the History Channel, Sons of Liberty. The series starts only in 1765 and thus omits the start of the civil unrest in Boston. It needs a person to follow, so they start with Samuel Adams (1722 – 1803), a colonist who became incensed by the British Crown’s abuse […]