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Asia Kabushiki Shinbun – February 10, 1997

Kabushiki Shinbun February 10, 1997 US Dollar Should Hold 120.00 During this Year Mr. Martin A. Armstrong, chairman of Princeton Economic Institute Inc. in the US, is well known a a worldwide technical analyst, made his view clear, in New York on February 6 local time, that the US Dollar should hold 120.00 against JPY […]

Asia The Weekly Toyo-Keizai – October 19, 1996

The Weekly Toyo- Koizai October 19, 1996 America Listening to Mr. Armstrong, chairman of Princeton Economic Institute Capital Flows into the US with the Background of “Uncertainties” In the Presidential election, President Clinton will keep his advantage. But, even if Clinton wins, serious problems come to the surface next year. After the election, interest rates […]

Asia Kabushiki Shinbun – October 9, 1996

Kabushiki Shinbun October 9, 1996 Mr. Armstrong, a Worldwide Analyst, Makes Bold Forecasts Again Mr. Martin A. Armstrong, chairman of Princeton Economic Institute Inc., well known as an international technical analyst for a high rate of proving true of his forecasts and for his constant views, visited Japan and got an exclusive interview by us. […]

Asia Kabushiki Shinbun – February 10, 1995

Kabushiki Shinbun October 9, 1996 Mr. Armstrong, a Worldwide Analyst, Makes Bold Forecasts Again Mr. Martin A. Armstrong, chairman of Princeton Economic Institute Inc., well known as an international technical analyst for a high rate of proving true of his forecasts and for his constant views, visited Japan and got an exclusive interview by us. […]

Asia The Weekly Toyo-Keizai – November 19, 1994

The Weekly Toyo- Koizai November 19, 1994 Insight into Global Trends of Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Stocks Commodity is the Next Target of International Money Though the global economy is said to be recovering again, financial markets still look caught in a deeper quagmire. In our recent interview with a leading US investment consultant, […]

Australia The Australian – June 30,1989

The Australian June 30, 1989 Why our Interest Rates should Tumble Mr. Martin Armstrong, of Princeton Economics International, offers a surprisingly optimistic outlook on our economy. Richard Gluyas reports Princeton Economics International, founded by Mr. Martin A. Armstrong, now 40, opened for business in 1970. It has offices in New Jersey in the United States, […]

Europe FOREX and Global Markets – Winter 1997

FOREX and Global Markets Winter 1997 A Few Home Truths about Volatility by Martin A. Armstrong, Princeton Economic Institute Markets all around the world are starting to experience greater spasms on volatility, both overnight and intraday. There comes a time with big trends when a battle between generations emerges that can be classified as the […]

US Investor’s Business Daily – December 3, 1991

Investor’s Business Daily December 3, 1991 Are Taxes Poisoning Economy? Rising Levies in Weak Period Thwart Recovery by Laurie Marmor Recent sharp hikes in federal, state and local levies are creating a phantom “inflation” problem that may be obstructing monetary policy, hurting consumers and businesses and threatening the recovery’s fragile stamina. In the past, a […]

US International Herald Tribune – September 9, 1985

International Herald Tribune September 9, 1985 How Chartists use Trends to Outguess Gold by Bruce Hager Sitting in his trading room, Martin Armstrong peers into the world gold market through an oversized screen upon which a jagged line depicts the peaks and valleys of New York spot prices for the past 90 weeks. Based in […]

Interviews & Press

Interviews & Lectures Money Week (London July 15th, 2015) INFO Wars June 12. 2015 FX Street Interview Barcelona May 28th, 2015 La Contra – Barcelona – May 27th, 2015 German ZDF Nightly News May 5th, 2015 Die Welt May 3rd, 2015 Smart Investor Weekly (Germany) April 22, 2015 Mises Institute January 15th, 2015 World Economic […]