Showing 1933 Results for New York
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Showing 1933 Results for New York
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August 21, 2015
A New Jersey woman who was a registered Democrat wrote her own obituary where she asked her family and friends, “In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.” Elaine Fydrych’s obituary has exposed more than political corruption. It has exposed moral corruption among the press who think freedom of the press means the freedom […]
March 9, 2015
QUESTION: Marty, will there by a spike high in US sovereign debt or just a low in rates overall? It also is starting to appear your influence is everywhere. Now a lot of people are clearly referring to this as a debt bubble. The media does not quote you, but it looks like a […]
January 12, 2014
Trial of Lord William Russell (1639-83) Rye House Plot, name given to a conspiracy organized in 1683 by members of the Whig party in England for the assassination of King Charles II of England and his brother the duke of York, later James II, king of England. The victims were to be killed as they […]
January 3, 2014
It is a violation of civil rights to falsely arrest anyone and to and to engage in a CONSPIRACY for Malicious Prosecution of that individual. Such criminal prosecutions are common by the Feds targeting local police. But these types of violations are in themselves SELECTIVE prosecutions for they tend to focus only of the discrimination based […]
October 25, 2013
Either California gets rid of the insane Diane Feinstein who is about as American as Adolf Hitler who also introduced laws against the freedom of speech or PLEASE secede from the USA and take this crazy nut-job with you. Not only is Diane Fienstein perhaps the strongest supporter of the NSA and the destruction of […]
August 13, 2013
Michael Bloomberg clearly does not respect the constitution at all. Between is crazy soda ban he lost now his stop-and-frisk policy that police can just go search anyone on the street at any time has been struck down as unconstitutional. This guy does not belong in government. Perhaps in prison. But never in office. This […]
February 10, 2013
SCENE II. Blackheath. Enter GEORGE BEVIS and JOHN HOLLAND BEVIS Come, and get thee a sword, though made of a lath; they have been up these two days. HOLLAND They have the more need to sleep now, then. BEVIS I tell thee, Jack Cade the clothier means to dress the commonwealth, and turn it, and […]
February 1, 2013
A reader sent this photo and comment: “To help back up your point on gun controls and access to black market arms. The image attached is a scene from ‘Breaking Bad’ when Walt, a Methamphetamine cook, buys a Thirty-Eight Snub Nose gun, with the serial number filed off, from an underground dealer.” Obama’s laws will […]
January 27, 2013
Well Obama did it. Gun shows and sales are soaring. When Katrina hit, there was no rule of law. People had to protect their own property from criminals who if Obama has his way, will be the only people armed. The police even abandoned the prisons leaving many to drown and without food. Their policy […]
September 12, 2012
This is a huge story of how justice for the people vs a government agency (in this case the police) is served after 23-years and of how the UK police manipulated 164 statements and more. It all started at a football match that ended when 96 people were crushed. A horrific story that will continue to […]