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Property Taxes and Taxing You on Unrealized Gains

COMMENT: Hello Martin, they already “tax” the paper increase in property taxes. My tax bill went up 70% in the last two years. All I enjoy is an increases mortgage statement. I decided to fight it this time and from now on every year. After having looked into how they do come up with new assessments […]

Have the Democrats Reversed the American Dream?

Before the evolution of the Industrial Revolution, Social Mobility truly did not exist. More often, one tended to follow in the footsteps of their family. Farmers remained on the farm just as those in the various skilled trades remained in those guilds. This tended to be true even from ancient times before Rome became the […]

Who Was the Real Inspiration to the American Revolution? Are We Doomed to Repeat History?

I recently watched an excellent series on the History Channel, Sons of Liberty. The series starts only in 1765 and thus omits the start of the civil unrest in Boston. It needs a person to follow, so they start with Samuel Adams (1722 – 1803), a colonist who became incensed by the British Crown’s abuse […]

Kamala’s Economic Plan Will Destroy the US Economy & Lead to Food Shortages

  Kamala Harris’ father was basically a radial communist. She is not far from her father’s ideas, any more than Bill Gates is different from his father’s fears of population when he created Planned Parenthood and stuck them in minority areas to reduce the population of blacks. No matter how many times Socialism has been […]

Will Merchan Order Imprisonment of Trump on September 18th?

This is the most bizarre election in American History, and given our computer warns, it will very likely be the last. This “acting” judge, Juan M. Merchan, is a prosecutor. How does an “acting” judge get the most important case in American political history? Prosecutor Bragg ran for election promising to take down Donald Trump. […]

The UN Takes Step Forward to Create a ONE WORLD Government

The United Nations is a SERIOUS threat to our future, and not only should the United States withdraw from the UN, it should be thrown out of New York City. The Biden Administration REFUSES to seek peace with Russia and has NO INTENTION of negotiating with Russia. That effectively says the United Nations is just […]

Marriott Sues Franchisee for Profiting on Migrant Crisis

Some were led to believe that the hotels offering shelter to migrants were on some philanthropic mission. Quite the contrary as these hotels were paid by their respective Sanctuary Cities with taxpayer funds. Marriott International is now suing one of its franchisees for breaching their contract by collaborating with New York City to turn the […]

US Credit Card Debt Hits $1.14 T

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York released data this week indicating that American credit card debt has reached a new high of $1.14 trillion. A separate report from TransUnion has found that the average American is carrying $6,329 in personal credit card debt, a 4.8% uptick from last year. The vice president of TransUnion […]

America Needs Truckers

America has lost 1,544,700 trucking jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis. There are 30,000 less truckers on the road now compared to July 2023. Demand has not waned and this will undoubtedly contribute to supply chain slowdowns. The trucking transportation sector has been declining steadily for the past four months, based on data released by […]

Americans Prepared for Lasting Inflation

Americans are preparing for a prolonged inflationary period, based on new data from the New York Fed. The New York Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Expectations found that Americans are still pessimistic about inflation waning, with no one now believing it is transitory. The median expectation is that inflation will remain at the 3% level […]