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Are Ventilators Killing People in New York City?

  This Nurse’s video has gone viral and has been picked up around the world. As I stated, my first son who was born prematurely died on a ventilator because it forced too much air into his lungs and caused them to burst. Where people are not put on ventilators the death rate is much […]

Custodial Risk in New York City

QUESTION: Hello Marty, Your commentary and Socrates’ predictive capacity is ground-breaking. I have been following you for years. Thank you for your time and efforts. I find it fascinating that the foretold decline of the West (by Socrates) coincides with the fourth-turning demographic study described by Strauss & Howe. Watching it unfold is causing some […]

Epstein Held in New York Version of Guantánamo

Jeffrey Epstein was being housed in the “10 South” unit, commonly known as the “HOLE” which is a 24- hour lock-down where they also keep terrorists which is very strange just pending trial. This is not about Epstein but who he could implicate. It has been called America’s Gulag and the Guantánamo hid in New […]

New York City Heading for Bankruptcy

There are New York politicians who continually try to force socialism upon society so a few can live off of other people’s money. The problem is that capital can flee, as we have just witnessed with Amazon bailing out of New York City. Then we have AOC calling it a victory for the little people […]

Is New York Trying to Take Over Tesla By Removing Elon Musk with the help of the SEC?

The biggest potential scandal that would take place is the consistent cover-up of the way New York courts have been used to strip any competitor in the financial industry outside of New York so whatever business they created is usurped by New York. The Michael Milkin of Drexel Burnham scandal of insider trading resulted in the destruction […]

New York Times Becomes Really A Puppet of the Deep State?

This entire affair of desperately trying to paint Trump in league with Putin to defeat Hillary is beyond any comprehension.  Not a single left-wing press from the New York Times to CNN will ever report the truth that the release of Hillary’s emails NEVER involved altered or forged documents. They were all REAL! So this entire conspiracy they are […]

Draining the Swamp & Why the New York Times is Trying to Overthrow Trump

There has never been any president who has been so attacked and hated by the media in the history of the nation. Now the New York Times has done a piece claiming that Trump was handed over $400 million from his parents and he is neither a self-made man nor did his parents pay taxes on handing […]

How a Prosecutor’s Case Collapsed in New York City and Exposed Government Corruption in the Process

One of the more fascinating examples of how the government prosecutors are looking for high profile cases to further personal careers rather than actually policing society to protect the people has been exposed by the sale of the Leonardo DaVinci painting of Jesus Christ. I previously reported that  DaVinci’s 500-year-old painting, known as Salvator Mundi (Saviour […]

Erdogan Recalls Gold Reserves from New York Fed – Is He Preparing for War?

The Turkish government has withdrawn its reserves of gold from the Federal Reserve. Erdogan clearly is positioning himself to be able to seek its own power that will be contrary to international policy. Erdogan is one of those politicians who still think in the old days of Empire. As a member of NATO, he has constantly been […]

New York Real Estate

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I listened to you perhaps a bit too late. Put my condo on the market here in New York City and nothing for six months. The realtor said they have never seen buyers disappear so fast. Is there still hope for those of us trapped in the Big Apple? GB ANSWER: Real estate […]