Showing 1945 Results for New York
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Showing 1945 Results for New York
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June 24, 2022
Roe v Wade is correctly overruled not because abortion itself for the court did not overrule that superficially, but instead, it held: “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.” The entire decision rested […]
June 17, 2022
Certain schools in New York City do not have the funds for basic supplies. There are children who take the subway to school as the bus will not pick them up if they live too far. Some schools cannot afford basic supplies, and children must share. Teachers frequently pay for supplies out of their own […]
June 15, 2022
The Democrats may not back Biden for reelection in 2024. They do not particularly care that he is destroying the country, but his record-low approval rating is bad for the party at large. Over the weekend, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) all but admitted that the Democrats are not eager to support Biden running for a […]
June 5, 2022
The Canadian National Post has reported on the rising concern that the World Economic Forum is making all the calls as to what the Canadian government should do. They admitted that this question has “gained remarkable currency among Canadian[s]” particularly since the events of the Freedom Convoy. While they concluded that the WEF is […]
May 30, 2022
QUESTION: Marty; the gold propaganda is increasing dramatically. They are now claiming there are five signs that say the dollar will collapse any day now. Warning Sign #1: Russia Sanctions Prove Dollar Reserves “Aren’t Really Money” Warning Sign #2: Rubles, Gold, and Bitcoin for Gas, Oil, and Other Commodities Warning Sign #3: The Petrodollar System […]
May 17, 2022
QUESTION: Well Mr. Armstrong, it looks like you will be right on again. This new WHO treaty on pandemic response is their wet dream. I believe you said they will eventually be locking down for global warming. Will the next “pandemic” be a global warning thus locking down the entire world? BV ANSWER: I do […]
May 10, 2022
The West keeps getting Putin wrong mainly because they have taken the Blue Pill and just repeat the propaganda put out by primarily the United States government. They told all journalists that Putin would formally declare war on Ukraine, institute a draft, and call up all reservists. The Western Press continually denies the existence […]
May 5, 2022
Every dictatorship throughout history established a propaganda arm which they have typically called variations of the “Ministry of Truth.” The Russian USSR established Pravda, which simply means “TRUTH.” When insurance companies could not sell death insurance, they called it life insurance and everyone bought it. The Biden Administration has now formally joined the ranks of such […]
May 4, 2022
When Roe v Wade was decided, it was highly questionable both on a constitutional level as well as on a moral basis. The basic religious objection stems from the Ten Commandments – Thou Shalt Not Kill. You had a lot of people arguing that a child is not a child until it is born and […]
May 3, 2022
The majority of Americans believe Joe Biden should vacate his office if (when) Hunter’s laptop from hell is revealed. Studies by liberal-backed firms indicate this notion. Harvard University’s Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) and Harris, a firm run by Democrat Mark Penn, found that only 37% of respondents believe Biden should run for re-election […]