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Mass Psychosis and Cognitive Dissonance

Comment: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I hope you will have time to read the following about the situation in Québec and hopefully post it on your blog for the benefit of all. What is going on in the Province of Québec currently is far more serious than the “health tax” brought up this week by Premier Legault.  […]

Will Taiwan be Next?

QUESTION: Marty, I see your point. Do you think China will go after Taiwan now as the world is distracted by Ukraine? PA ANSWER: Eventually yes. The timing appears to be more leaning to 2023 during the first quarter. I will deal with that in the coming report on War. The computer is clearly showing […]

Pfizer Vaccine Only 12% Effective in Children 5 to 11

The government urged parents to expose their children to an experimental drug with unknown consequences to prevent a virus that has a statistically insignificant death rate for children (and adults). The New York State Department of Health announced that a new study found Pfizer’s vaccination was only 12% effective for children aged 5 to 11. […]

The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss

  The only way to avoid World War III is to listen to both sides. The refusal to listen ensures that we will move into World War III, and this is not my opinion; unfortunately, our computer has never been wrong, for it is unbiased. It called BREXIT when nobody else did, and also forecast […]

US v Russia & Ukraine The Real Backdrop

Let’s follow the money. Ever since the United States under the Clintons sanctioned the NY bankers to try to take over Russia with their own puppet, Boris Berezovsky, there has been a direct unspoken World War III that began in the financial markets. I was personally asked to invest $10 billion into Safra & Browder’s […]

The People’s Convoy

As the world looks to the tyranny occurring in Europe, a group of protestors has formed to amass The People’s Convoy, inspired by The Freedom Convoy in Canada. The convoy began in California and will cross the US until reaching Washington DC. Trucker’s Declaration: “We the People of the United States, in Order to restore […]

Market Talk – February 25, 2022

ASIA: Singapore has raised concerns with India about its ban of popular gaming app “Free Fire,” owned by technology group Sea Ltd, in the first sign of diplomatic intervention after the move spooked investors, Reuters reported. After the ban, the market value of the New York-listed Southeast Asian firm dropped by $16 billion in a […]

Biden Speaks – Nothing but Lies Again to Start WWIII

  Biden has delivered a propaganda justification for launching World War III. I have reported in the various previous reports that every war we have entered has been justified on nothing but lies. He makes no mention that these provinces have been the issue under the Minsk Agreements since 2014 where the people wanted to […]

The Real Politics Behind Ukraine & Taiwan

  We face a clear and present danger from various heads of state who are seeking to promote the cancel-culture to suppress any opposition to alter our future and that of our posterity. Schwab with his admiration for Lenin and his Young Global Leaders is pushing his communist ideas upon the world and that includes […]

Canada Police Prove they Are Like Nazis – Just Following Orders

The Canadian police have shown the entire world that they are no different from the Nazis of Germany whose excuse was the same – just following orders. It is a shame that they are defending Trudeau against all odds and world opinion. It was hard to win a race against Biden to the most unpopular […]