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The Collapse of the USA & the Rule of Law?

When we looked at our model combining the presidency, House, and the Senate, we came up with a Panic Cycle in 2021 and 2023. The Democrats better wake up because this foreign agenda has usurped their party, and Biden is clueless as to what is even taking place. The vaccines do not save lives, for […]

Have Some Democrats Lost their Mind?

Reliable sources have been warning for months that the extreme Democrats have been planning to impose mandatory vaccines to screw Independent and Republicans, for this has nothing to do with health anymore. The conservative Democrats are worried and they have been standing their ground, thank God, forcing Biden’s $3.5 trillion plan down to $1.5 trillion […]

The Rising Great Divide

COMMENT: Marty, Your last post rings so true. Which why I feel a bit hopeless about CA. Florida, with DeSantis leading is definitely heading in the right direction. My step, father-in-law is a living example of what you talk about. He is overweight, diabetic, double vaxxed, masked, drives an electric hybrid car, and a staunch Democrat […]

The CDC Fraud of 1976 With Swine Flu – They Never Tell the Truth

  The problem we have is that the government protects its own and routinely refuses to pay victims of vaccines while granting 100% immunity to Big Pharma. So why should they really care if the product is safe or not? Big Pharma will make nearly $100 billion next year from this endless pandemic they hope […]

Manipulating VAERS Data through Underreporting

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was designed for medical providers to report any complications with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, which would seem to be a valuable tool considering the effects are widely unknown. However, there is no mandate for medical care providers to report side effects to the system. Whistleblower and Physician Assistant […]

Florida Ports are Open for Business

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis proudly announced: “Florida ports are open for business!” The Jacksonville Port Authority (“Jaxport”) is on board and has received a record number of containers at 1.4 million this fiscal year alone. Jaxport CEO Eric Green said that Florida is not experiencing the same congestion back up issues as California and New […]

The Psychology Behind Consumer Spending and Hedonic Adaptation

Consumer debt in the US reached $14.88 trillion in 2020, according to Experian’s consumer debt study. That is a $3 trillion increase in the past decade, and spending in 2021 has only amplified. Nearly 42% of US adults have reported falling deeper into debt since March 2020, and according to a survey by, 2,400 […]

Violence up 42% over 2019

A Conservative British lawmaker, a member of  Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Party, was stabbed several times while meeting his constituents at a church and has died. These politicians had better wake up. Following Klaus Schwab’s agenda for this Great Reset and deliberately destroying people’s lives to satisfy this insane academic lofty view of the world […]

Market Talk – October 14, 2021

ASIA: India’s September fuel consumption crawled higher month-on-month as economic activity continued to ramp up, government data showed on Wednesday, but soaring global oil prices could stall a recovery in the world’s third-largest oil importer and consumer. Fuel consumption, a proxy for oil demand, totaled 15.92 million tonnes last month, up slightly from August and […]

4.3 Million Quit Jobs in August – Vaccines?

The numbers are out — 4.3 million people in the US quit their jobs in August. This is the largest number since 2000. The leading sector is hotels and restaurants. I have a friend who has a daughter who had two jobs. She worked as a waitress/bartender at night and at a health food store […]