Showing 1945 Results for New York
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Showing 1945 Results for New York
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March 17, 2021
While those supporting the Great Reset are all about preventing any movement that requires people to drive with fossil-fueled vehicles, they are deliberately ignoring the social cost to children. The Washington Post, which is so left they would fail a sobriety test unable to walk a straight line, wrote: “A year later, a rethinking […]
March 15, 2021
Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen is a classic example of why someone like him will do anything to save his skin. The indictment process is a joke. The prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. There is no defense allowed and whatever he tells the grand jury is secret. Indictments really do not mean a lot. […]
March 11, 2021
The Build Back Better slogan was actually all prepared in 2019 BEFORE Covid. This entire movement was set in motion using the virus to stage this event all for climate change. Every step of the way this propaganda has been orchestrated in high gear which took off in August 2019. The Climate Clock was turned […]
March 10, 2021
Biden has granted the right to vote to criminals in prison or on probation. First of all, I believe it was unconstitutional to deny people the right to vote on the pretense of violating some law that is never fairly administered. Just look at New York. They never prosecute any banker because the bank pays […]
March 9, 2021
I have received over the past year some people complaining saying what does climate have to do with economics? I cannot always reveal my sources or I will not have them. There are people in the belly of the beast who do sound the alarm and are not happy with what is unfolding. For the […]
March 9, 2021
I find this truly just amazing. Dr. Seuss is obviously far more dangerous than Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” or any of the works of Karl Marx who was responsible for the deaths of over 200 million people with his Socialist/Communist revolutions. Indeed, I have a very extensive library. It did not include the books of Dr. […]
March 4, 2021
There is just no evidence whatsoever that masks do anything. When I went to the doctors last year they asked about COVID. I told them I did not know anyone with COVID. They said I could still catch it by pumping gas in my car. And when I bought a box of masks, they […]
March 1, 2021
COMMENT: Good morning, I am glad to see that you publicly touched on the idea of expiring credits, that in fact are in play. It is an old idea that has been talked and written about by members of the Club in many of their Private think tanks and in books and other literature going […]
February 26, 2021
COMMENT: Marty, you haven’t mentioned Cuomo. Any particular reason? GJ ANSWER: No. It is just another example of how everything has simply collapsed. If he were a Republican and his secretary accused him of sexual harassment, he would have been charged and hauled into court. Because he is a Democrat, he gets to walk on […]
February 24, 2021
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My wife and I are trying to buy a second home. We live in Wisconsin and want a place somewhere warm. We are trying to buy in Florida, but we are financing it and we bid at the asking. However, on all of the properties, someone comes in with cash and ABOVE asking. […]