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The Plight of the Democrats – Hillary to the Rescue?

  COMMENT: I was raised a Democrat. Your forecast that the Democrats would split by 2020 which you made more than 10 years ago I did not believe at the time. Flash forward, Joe Biden, who the Democrats wanted to impeach Trump for influencing the election against him, has been proven to be a joke. […]

Chinese Tourism Has Come to a Halt

Anyone who has been traveling these past few years will notice the changes in tourism. Back in the ’90s, the number one tourist group was clearly Japanese. As their economy imploded thanks to government mismanagement, the next group was the Russians. When I was in Venice a year ago, there are a couple of performances […]

Real Estate – Cycles – Real Value

QUESTION: Your real estate model which peaked in 2007 was the broad crazy speculative market you explained in the low end of the market. Then there was a rally back into 2015 which you said would be mainly in Europe and the high end of the market. I am in France and there an uptick […]

The Zombie Apocalypse May Be Here – But it’s the Bird Flu not the Coronavirus

The more traditional bird flu has appeared in the same area of China. The bird flu outbreak was reported Saturday in Hunan, which borders the province of Hubei where the coronavirus broke out in December. Officials said, “The farm has 7850 chickens, and 4500 of the chickens have died from the contagion.” This is a […]

Hillary Refuses to Support Bernie & Dark Secrets of the Past

COMMENT: Marty, your writings are always ahead of the curve and your sources are amazing. Just read today Hillary gave an interview and she is obviously trying to stay in the mix. She came out and said about Bernie Sanders: ”He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody […]

Market Talk – January 21, 2020

ASIA: Many business leaders at the World Economic Forum raised concerns over whether the latest round of trade negotiations between China and US will result in a “phase two” deal before the end of President Donald’s first term. The biggest roadblocks that leaders identified for the phase two deal are US tariffs on Chinese goods […]

US Banks v Foreign Branches of US Banks

QUESTION: Marty, finally we decided to open a bank account in the USA which is not part of the CRS. But now we do not know which US-bank is safe enough and where to go! You mentioned that Goldmann Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase have derivative exposure linked back […]

FOREX & the Wild West Days of the ’80s

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was told that you were indeed the largest forecaster in foreign exchange. The story in London is you advised nearly all the Middle East and were the most important adviser on currency to BCCI, the bank the governments took down back in 1991 along with Salomon Brothers. They made a movie […]

US & British Are Torturing Julian Assange With Intent to Kill Him

The US prosecutors are conspiring with the British to ensure that Julian Assange never goes to trial and what is taking place is the collapse of civility and Justice which has become sheer vengeance and political prosecution. The British will not allow independent doctors to visit Assange meanwhile they have been keeping him like Jeffrey […]

FBI Under Comey Acted Illegally

  Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz’s December 9th, 2019 report clearly lays out that their informant Mr. Stefan Halper actually recorded conversations that were exculpatory and would have denied any authority to wiretap Trump’s campaign. Mr. Halper was a long-standing Washington national security expert and a Cambridge University professor. He managed to finagle himself to […]