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Biden’s Attack on the Press – Same as Lenin

The Washington Post and New York Times should look at history. They may have waged war to get rid of Trump and cheered all night long when Biden was declared the winner. But little did they realize that those in Washington behind the curtain pulling all the strings in the Biden Administration are not about […]

Market Talk – June 7, 2021

ASIA: China bought fewer American products in May versus the prior month, while exports to the U.S. rose, according to customs data released Monday. China bought $13.11 billion dollars worth of goods from the U.S. in May, down from $13.94 billion in April, data accessed through Wind Information showed. May’s figure marked the lowest monthly […]

Market Talk – June 2, 2021

ASIA: Chinese and US senior trade officials held a virtual meeting to ramp up trade talks. Chinese Vice Premier Liu He held a virtual meeting with US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday – his second discussion with top economic and trade officials under the Biden administration in less than a week, with both parties […]

Why BigTech are State Actors & Violate our Civil Rights

As many know, I lived in London years ago. At the upper end of Hyde Park by Marble Arch, there is Speakers’ Corner. That is where anyone could stand up and talk about anything that they wanted. You were free to listen or just walk away. There would often be a crowd, and that was […]

Market Talk – May 20, 2021

ASIA: Indian refiners and at least one European refiner is re-evaluating their crude purchases to make room for Iranian oil in the second half of this year, anticipating that U.S. sanctions will be lifted, company officials and trading sources said. At least one European refiner has held in-depth discussions with Iran’s state oil firm NIOC […]

The Evil Rising in the World

COMMENT: Martin, Just by chance, I wanted to look up your small blog again “Europe is under control of world economic forum”. Typed it in google search, your blog didn’t come up on the first 5 pages of results, and I didn’t look beyond that. Typed it in Duck Duck Go, your blog came up […]

Market Talk – April 14, 2021

ASIA: Investors are putting billions of dollars more into U.S. stock funds than Chinese ones, according to data from fund research firm EPFR Global. U.S. and China stock funds are the two regions that have attracted the most inflows from international investors over the past two quarters, Cameron Brandt, director of research at EPFR said. […]

The Danger of Deplatforming Trump

  I really do not care if Karl Marx had a Twitter today and was posting all sorts of things. BigTech is censoring content that they do not like. This is destroying the internet and it always seems to come back to this idea of monopoly and control, no different than the robber barons of […]

Dorsey Moves into Banking as Promised to Overthrow Trump

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I thought you were wrong on Bitcoin and that it was a store of value. I can see now that it is only a trading vehicle as you have said. But what made me write to you is I just read that Dorsey is opening up an online bank. You got that […]

Trudeau is Altering the Economy of Canada Denying the People Any Right to Vote on His Great Reset

Is this leaked info really Trudeau’s crazy COVID plan for 2021? COMMENT: Dear Martin, In response to your blog of today: “Trudeau Moves to Install Guaranteed Basic Income in Canada”, do you remember the supposedly leaked Covid-19 roadmap of the Canadian government? It mentioned the following:  “Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned […]