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Market Talk – July 8, 2020

ASIA: The US has announced new visa bans on senior Chinese officials involved in restricting access to foreigners to the sensitive region of Tibet and reaffirmed its support for “meaningful autonomy” for Tibetans. In retaliation, China has announced that I will impose visa restrictions on US personnel who exhibit egregious behavior toward Tibet, said Chinese […]

Market Talk – June 25, 2020

  ASIA: Economists don’t see the US and China reaching phase two of the trade deal anytime soon, and have warned that continued tensions and tariff threats could stunt the much-needed economic recovery from the coronavirus shutdowns. Phase one of the deal was signed in January, pausing the trade war that had been raging for […]

Market Talk – June 19, 2020

ASIA: Donald Trump has renewed his threat to cut ties with China, a day after his diplomats held high-level talks with Beijing and his top US trade negotiator said severing the trade relationship was not a viable option. The US response came as Washington questioned China’s credibility on accurately reporting the new Covid-19 cluster in […]

The International Energy Agency has Joined the Conspiracy Against the World

The International Energy Agency has joined the conspiracy outlining a $3 trillion plan to restart the global economy while cutting greenhouse gas emissions, saying that governments have a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to create jobs while decarbonizing infrastructure. Their highly questionable economist Fatih Birol has suddenly come out and proclaimed that the world has six months to […]

Market Talk – June 8, 2020

ASIA: Chinese apps are facing major challenges in India after an app named “Remove China Apps” made it easy for users to delete China-related services went viral. Though Google has pulled the app, anti-China sentiment will likely haunt Chinese apps in India as political tensions between the countries heighten. Decoupling from Chinese tech might not […]

Market Talk – June 2, 2020

ASIA: The World Health Organization struggled to get needed information from China during critical early days of the coronavirus pandemic, according to recordings of internal meetings obtained by the Associated Press. The recordings obtained show officials complaining in meetings during the week of January 6 that Beijing was not sharing data needed to evaluate the […]

Market Talk – May 29, 2020

ASIA: President Donald Trump launched a blistering attack on China on Friday, and announced a slew of retaliatory measures that will plunge US-China relations deeper into crisis. “They’ve ripped off the United States like no one has ever done before,” Trump said of China, as he decried the way Beijing has “raided our factories” and […]

Seizing the Moment – Mandating New Green World Order Manipulating the Press

The Gates Promotional PR Team is out in full force lobbying the press to now support the redesign of the economy to end Climate Change. The strategy behind Gates is to use the media to put pressure on the politicians who will do whatever they think the people want and the way to get that […]

Bill Gates Says his Vaccine is the Final Solution – But Why?

  This COVID-19 is by no means even as bad a SARS. The death rate is confined to the elderly who die from the flu. So what is really going on here? All the data demonstrates that this is not a major threat to the world community. Nevertheless, it has been exploited and the real […]

Where to Hide – Nobody Knows Just Yet

QUESTION: Signor Armstrong, anni fa ho letto il libro di Ayn Rand, la Rivolta di Atlante, lei mi ricorda tanto John Galt e Socrates la sua tecnologia segreta. Secondo Lei, esiste anche un posto dove andare a rifugiarsi nel periodo buoi? Grazie per illuminarci la strada. ODL ANSWER: There is no question that Bill Gates’ […]