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2019 World Economic Conference – Orlando

2 Day Conference with guest moderator Michael Campbell, the voice of Vancouver, BC’s “MoneyTalks” Radio. Topics range from The Creation of the Euro, 2020 Election, Destruction of the Bond Market and ECM Targets for Change.

Unlimited Rental. Includes Q&A Session from both days.


Why Do Nearly 40% of Billionaires Not Have College Degrees?

QUESTION: Why do nearly 40% of billionaires drop out of school? It seems like the most successful people are all dropouts. Would you explain why? Bill Gates Steve Jobs Mark Zuckerberg Rush Limbaugh Ralph Lauren Steve Madden Rachael Ray Coco Chanel ANSWER: Very simple. Formal education is incapable of teaching creativity. This is why there […]

Where to Go?

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, I have been a subscriber for several years and I appreciate your work. You mentioned that when the dust settles there will be pockets in the US that are safe. Can you elaborate where they will be? Also if your child was planing on majoring in finance in college next year, […]

The Hidden Order & The Motive For Something Greater Than the Norm

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; What I have witnessed from your Socrates and the private blog the past two days, Nov. 29, 30, 2017, has got to be one of the most incredible man-made technological wonders ever created. I am only a few years into your models but the past two days has left me stunned. The […]

Market Talk – November 13, 2019

ASIA: More protests occurred overnight in Hong Kong as students and police have been clashing. China will most likely intervene in Hong Kong as their previous “hands off” policy is not providing the desired result. China released a new submarine. The JL-3 has a range of up to 7,500 miles and could reach the US […]

News in America Has Become Propaganda Like Pravda Did in Russia under the Soviet Union

COMMENT: Martin, I was willing to just to try Duck-Duck-Go just to see if they are non-biased in their results (and to get rid of Google sponsored Ads as my first search results). I “Duck-Ducked” for: “Trump news”, thought “Uh-oh.”  Fox News was at the end of the list.  At least it showed up.  Then I […]

Market Talk – October 10, 2019

ASIA: Today top officials from China will be meeting their US counterparts to kick off the well anticipated trade negotiations. Tomorrow President Trump with meet with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He at the end of the talks. US President Trump tweeted, “Big day of negotiations with China. They want to make a deal, but do I?” […]

Market Talk – September 24, 2019

ASIA: The Chinese government has waived some companies and the state to buy US soybeans tariff-free. According to Bloomberg, as much as 3 million tons were allowed to be purchased without the tariffs. Meanwhile, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that the trade talks will proceed after the Chinese delegation cancelation of a US farm […]

2019 WEC Confirmation Code

Your Registration Was Successfully Completed Thank you for your registration(s). Your confirmation is below and a copy of this information will be sent to your billing email address which includes your admission ticket(s). Please find below Hotel Accommodation information for the 2019 ORLANDO World Economic Conference.  ATTENTION PRIORITY TICKET HOLDERS (Orlando Only): We’re excited to have […]

Germany Looking to Impose a CO2 Tax

In Germany, the Federal Minister of Research has said that the introduction of a special tax on carbon dioxide is virtually certain. Global warming research is funded by governments in order to raise taxes. They refuse to fund any research to the contrary because this is all about raising taxes. Germany will soon join Canada […]