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Germany Looking to Impose a CO2 Tax

In Germany, the Federal Minister of Research has said that the introduction of a special tax on carbon dioxide is virtually certain. Global warming research is funded by governments in order to raise taxes. They refuse to fund any research to the contrary because this is all about raising taxes. Germany will soon join Canada […]

Can AI Think?

QUESTION: In George Gilder’s book “Life after Google” he states: “AI cannot compete with the human intelligence that connects symbols and objects. AI cannot do without the human minds that provide it with symbols systems and language; programs it; structures the information it absorbs in training, whether word patterns or pixels; provides and formulates the […]

Market Talk – September 9, 2019

ASIA: US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said today that the US and China has a “conceptual” agreement on enforcement concerns, stating positive progress has already been made. He did also mention an area of concern which is Chinese currency practices, and confirmed it will be a topic of focus when the two countries officials meet […]

Market Talk – August 29, 2019

ASIA: Chinese military vehicles today have been seen moving into Hong Kong according to reports. However, according to the state run news agency Xinhua, this was just an annual exercise to make a schedule rotation. Of course, due to the tensions this could be seen as Chinese steps to military control of the region. Chinese […]

Is California the Worst Economic Nightmare in the USA?

QUESTION: Marty, Whenever you refer to California Dreaming, my blog post from a few years back, I cannot help but smile. Thank you for your chart on the California economy. Does this represent most states? Does this represent the state of the U.S. economy? What states are actually growing? Yes, I agree with you that […]

Market Talk – August 12, 2019

ASIA: A lot of videos are emerging on social media regarding the police brutality against the Hong Kong protestors, with a lot of attention on the Chinese government’s actions regarding the rising protests. Meanwhile, there is still no positive news regarding the US-Chinese trade war with some analysts speculating that trade negotiations have broken down […]

Market Talk – August 8, 2019

ASIA: A lot of economic news emerging from China and some is somewhat surprising too. The 3.3% rise in exports YoY overpowered the memories of a 1.3% decline in June, the data from State Customs has revealed. This shows that China could perhaps outlast any tariffs and issues the US throws its way. Unsurprisingly, overall […]

Antarctica Use to Have no Ice?

  Research is surfacing that shows Antarctica may have been without ice during the Medieval Warming Period some refer to as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) which took place between 1000–1200 AD. Mapping the MCA across the Antarctic region based on the analysis of published palaeotemperature proxy data from 60 sites has revealed something which defies […]

Market Talk – July 25, 2019

ASIA: More news emerged from a Chinese released whitepaper regarding the country’s military strategy on the South China Sea China. The release expressed that “China exercises its national sovereignty to build infrastructure and deploy necessary defensive capabilities on the islands and reefs in the South China Sea and to conduct patrols in the waters of […]

France & the New Digital Tax

The French GAFA tax is an acronym for Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon which the French government has just passed. They are imposing a 3% tax on all business in France. The US has promised retaliation. This is part of the entire problem the world faces with trade. A lot of people talk about trade […]