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The Coming Censorhip

The entire nonsense that the political election was “influenced” by Russia propagated by Hillary who paid for the dossier that started this whole mess. The clandestine firm that created the false dossier on Trump is refused to cooperate with Congress. Now because of all this i9nsinuation about “influence” by Russians, Google stated that it is […]

Market Talk- October 27, 2017

  The close of a healthy week and the Nikkei manages a close above the 22k figure. It has been flirting with the 22 handle all week and finally takes the YTD close above 15% and the 1yr to 27%. Initially, the rally was helped by the weaker Yen, which earlier was trading 114.20. This […]

Madrid Waged Cyber-War & Catalonia Votes Overwhelmingly to Leave Spain

Catalonia voted overwhelmingly to secede from Spain. Of course, the hard line invasion of riot police who beat and threatened the people discouraged many from showing up with the turnout being only 43%. The fascist government in Spain has demonstrated to the entire world that there is a major country risk in dealing with Spain. Any […]

Politicians Start to Run Away from Global Warming

Politicians have been confronted with the real cost of their support for global warming. France has suddenly come out in support of diesel because of the jobs that could be lost. The diesel crisis may have started in Germany, but there are more diesel car owners in Europe as a whole. Suddenly, when confronted with […]

Germany & France Want to Tax Gross Sales on the Internet

  The hunt for taxes in France and Germany is in full swing. Merkel and Macrone are looking for endless new sources of tax revenues. They are moving directly into the position of destroying their economies because their thirst for more and more taxes never ends. No matter how much they collect, they never have […]

Facebook Shuts Down its AI System

A lot of people are using the issue that Facebook shut down its AI system when it began to create its own language as a short-cut in communication between two bots. Some are hailing Elon Musk as an “I told you so” prophet. But in all honesty, the Facebook AI is merely doing the very […]

Artificial Intelligence & the Future

A number of people have asked about Elon Musk’s reference to us already being cyborgs and the possibility of humans being transformed into house cats dominated by Artificial Intelligence. Despite his reputation, his thoughts seem jumbled. I have been involved in developing AI since the 1970s. In coding the Socrates systems, I have not found […]

The Destruction of Hamburg is Massive

The destruction of Hamburg has been massive as photographed by DWN. There is much going on behind the scenes politically with the focus now on intensely monitoring and censorship to be imposed. The degree of violence many view as unprecedented since the raid on Jewish businesses during the Nazi era. Inquiries are now looking into […]

Germany Pensions System Crisis

The German publication DWN has come out and warned that the German Pensions system is collapsing. They wrote: The core problem of the German economy and society is miserable demography. A positive development, namely the increasing longevity of the population, is an extremely negative groundbreaking, namely a small number of children. This is reflected in […]

Market Talk- June 27th. 2017

Although the Shanghai index continued its positive trend we did finally see only a minimal advance and then a small set-back for the Hang Seng. An earlier strong gain (+0.6%) in the Hand Seng was lost by the time the market had closed but with numerous unexplained small cap scares, it was not a surprise […]