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Evolutionary Process of Labor

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your evolutionary process of labor from agriculture to skilled labor fascinating. This is indeed why unions destroy jobs rather than preserve them. They fight against the evolutionary process of labor that follows technology. So clearly skilled labor is moving constantly. What field would you recommend for one’s children? Thank you […]

Cell Phones Reveal Where You Have Ever Been

Carrying a cell phone creates a record of where you have been all the time. Indeed, the police use this info to arrest people. Many people have been arrested using this info. The interesting aspect, you can trace yourself thanks to Google.

China Copies NSA but by Legislation

China will most likely pass a very far-reaching counter-terrorism act which adopts by legislation everything the NSA has been doing illegally behind the scenes and Congress along with Obama have endorsed. China will require technology firms to hand over encryption keys and install security “backdoors” just as the NSA has done secretly. China is effectively […]

People who challenge the system – Russian News

The month of March has changed the lives of three very different people, who in their own way have decided to fight with the System (“Goldman Sachs – FRS”). 1. Sergey Aleynikov, a former employee of Goldman Sachs, the developer of the trading platform, has received 8 years in prison for the transmission codes of […]

Solutions Conference – March 28th at Princeton, NJ

The Solution’s Conference is being moved up and made available for everyone via a live stream on the web. Because we can all “feel” 2015.75 coming this time, it is obviously important to get the debates started there as well. We are also working on a bill to be introduced into Congress as to also […]

Dollar v Swiss – 2011 Low Still Holds

  The dramatic move in the Swiss franc may have confirmed two other interrelationships. Against the dollar, we wrote at year-end “The Swiss is currently trading at 9934 and a mere year-end closing above 9785 will signal that indeed the 2011 low for the dollar will hold and that a test of the 11800 followed by […]

The German Delusion

  The desperate attempt to keep the Euro together is really setting the stage for sending Germany into a Great Economic Depression. Merkel now wants to raise the tax rate to pay for all her bailouts of Europe. She cannot comprehend that raising taxes to support the Euro is reducing disposable income and reducing the […]

Cybersecurity – Is Anything Safe?

The NSA has been able to break encryption even to internal VPN networks. There is nothing safe any more. The irony is that “terrorism” is the excuse to break-in to anything, but real terrorists use pigeon-post. They do not use Facebook and they stay as far away from Google and Microsoft as possible. The NSA’s […]

EU Manipulating the Press to Deny People the Truth

The EU Commission has a new directive. Advertise in newspapers and media who ONLY tell the government’s side of the story. Guess they won’t be advertising on this site – lol. The EU is now bribing the press in Europe spending 13.45 million euros to boost their image. Any media that carries this campaign you […]

End of the German Dream?

The crisis in Germany is brewing at a rapid speed. There is no country that has suffered the pains of Russian sanctions in the West more than Germany because the Russian market has compensated Germany in the past years, covering up many problems of the German economy from the euro crisis. As the economy has turned […]