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Deep Learning Analytics v Random Walk

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, my son came home from university for the the holidays. To my shock, we had our first intelligent conversation about the economy. He mentioned two things that opened my eyes very wide. First, he mentioned you and then said he believed what he read about random walk theory in school you have […]

Poland Rejecting Adopting the Euro

  Never was the rejection of Poland against the euro so strong. The Polish people fear that above all, they would suffer from the introduction of the Euro. The general feeling now among the majority is that the Euro would be socially a disaster. The Government of Poland would need indeed to hold a referendum to […]

Star Trek-like Invisible Force Field Shields the Earth

Illustration by Andy Kale, University of Alberta Scientists have discovered Star Trek-like invisible shield found thousands of miles above Earth. This barrier protects the earth from  particle motion was discovered in the Van Allen radiation belts. This shield holds so-called “killer electrons” them from penetrating the Earth’s atmosphere. These high-energy particles are confined in the speed of […]

Socrates v Watson

QUESTION: Good day Martin   I have been spending some time reading up on IBM’s Watson. As you probably know they are developing a thinking computer which thinks and learns as time goes on. They are creating an Echo system which will integrate healthcare, finance and the public sector with Watson.  IBM is spending over $1 […]

The Last Straw in a Dying Form of Government

As part of the cycle as government prepare to die, the rule of law is attacked. To cling to life, they beginning denying dissent. We are seeing that with water cannons that bring back terrible memories to the Spanish during their revolution. Now the British government party has announced to ban “democracy-hostile” persons access to […]

Obama Defends Goldman Sachs & Derivatives Demand EU Include them in Free Trade and Cannot Regulate US Banks

Obama is defending Goldman Sachs & of NY Bankers in their bid to include Derivatives in the free trade agreement with Europe and to ensure they cannot be regulated by Europe. Obama insists, at the bank’s request, that to subject US banks to EU regulation will complicate the regulatory landscape unnecessarily. The banks are lobbying hard […]

There Seems to be A Surge in the YES Camp

This is going to be very interesting. The money in the “City” (London) is on a “NO” Vote. But people often play what the WANT to Happen – not the actual trend. So the wild card will be the youth. Looking just at that group, there may be a surge in the YES vote at […]

China to Replace Microsoft, Apple, and Android by Year-End

The revelations of the NSA tapping into everything has long-term serious implications. This outrageous snooping will cost the United States dearly for it will lose its technology edge over the world economy. As that declines, so will the US economy and that is how the shift to China will unfold. Computer technology became an area […]

Texas Corruption – Worst in USA?

The video of a drunk District Attorney stumbling and trying to scare the police by saying who she was to get out of it, was outrageous to say the least. What she attempted to do is in itself an abuse of power for which her cronies have indicted Governor Perry. At the very least, this […]

Sanction Against Russia Set the Stage for the Next Real Big Crash

This entire war of sanction against Russia will contribute greatly to the economic decline next year from 2015.75. Even the US economic growth is slow and unemployment is more than twice as high as it was when the Great Depression began when it was just 5% back then compared to 10%+ currently. With China, emerging […]