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How Your Cell Phone Threatens Your LIBERTY

Technology played a key role in the Arab Spring as it has in Ukraine. The propaganda that the Ukrainian Revolution was inspired by a CIA plot covered up the fact that it was truly a grass-roots uprising against corruption diminishing the real issue these people were fighting for. They confuse the effort of the USA […]

The Fourth Branch – DEEP STATE – In Plaint Sight

There has been the typical strategy to label anything that questions government’s ethics as the “conspiracy theory” so that it may still exist in plain sight. In most cases, there is a tool to further that goal of disinformation to allow corruption to exist in plain sight, yet denied. They use people who spin whatever real […]

German Polititians Raise Their own Salaries from 5,000 to 9,000 Euros per month

This idea of socialism and get the rich is just a cover, The Politicians just raised their own salaries from 5,000 to 9,000 euros per month. Yet they are good socialists when the preach to the masses.

If you do any business overseas – you are on the NSA list

Literally , 10s of thousands of accounts associated with customers of Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Yahoo are being REGULARLY turned over to US government authorities EVERY six months as the result of secret court orders. This has nothing to do with terrorism – it is all about taxes. There were only 19 people alleged to […]

Angry Birds & NSA

The more revelations that come from the NSA demonstrates that what they are doing has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism. It turns out that the NSA & British Intelligence are constructing profiles on everyone right down to their sexual orientation. They are tapping into games like Angry Birds that has been a worldwide sensation. […]

Cash = Money Laundering

It is actually a documented fact that unless you have cash that was hidden from the 1930s, the likelihood of there being drug residue on the notes is greater than 80% with $100 bills. They can seize cash now under money laundering laws and it becomes your burden to proven even why you have the […]

Hyperinflation Impossibility in Private Sector

COMMENT:  Martin, would the Hyper Inflation Deflation Debate be as simple as using a stock share consolidation example to get it to people’s thick heads who believe Hyperinflation is coming? If a large Company like Google was going bankrupt due to enormous debt does the public actually believe the shares would hyper-inflate LOL! Do you […]

The Growth of the Internet – The Dawn of a Complete New Era

Number of Websites ( The continued growth in the internet has had a tremendous impact upon the global economy and political events as well. The total number of website domains is up to the 644 million level while active sites are approaching 200 million. This news is moving to the internet world and mainstream media […]

Why We Should Be Concerned About NSA

The revelations that Snowden has shown the world has exposed a real conspiracy against the people. It is not dark sinister groups trying to collapse the economy to create a new world of Communism, that was the fad back in Rockefeller’s day. They actually believed Communism would work and be fair. The USA adopted Marxism […]

NSA Task Force Report – Are We Entitled To Our Files?

The White House task force report on the NSA has shocked many proving that Snowden is indeed a hero and not a traitor. The report has revealed that not even those who supervised the NSA knew what was going on. The Task Force recommends sweeping reforms that Obama really cannot now ignore. The report was released […]