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There is No Going Back – NSA is here to Endure

The NSA has become the American Stasi equivalent to the Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS). The NSA is very much the modern Staatssicherheit, literally collecting data from all of the cloud providers such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Yahoo, etc. The NSA is now involved in partnerships with all the major telcos […]

Everything is a Cycle

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I’m a mechanical engineer and Trader by profession who grew up in Germany. About three years ago I stumbled across your story and since then I read every article from your website. Thank you very much for your continuous work to open the eyes of people! As I grow older (40 now) […]

Spain Will No Longer Index Pensions to Inflation

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy The collapse of Socialism is unfolding before everyone’s eyes – they just ignore it. In the states they manipulate the CPI to render inflation irrelevant and impossible. In Spain, they now will stop indexing pensions altogether because they cannot create a fake CPI as the US does. There will no longer […]

Beware November 13 & 14

The US government intends to keep up the pressure to support the NSA. To keep kids sacred during the 1950s, they had drills as if this would have done anything in a nuke attack. Then there was the directive that every one should be a shelter in their basement. Wonder whose brother-in-law profited off of […]

NSA is Really After Money

If anyone believes whatever the government or politicians say is the truth, then you have your head in the sand. Edward Snowden has revealed what the NSA has really been up to. They have access to the SWIFT system of all bank transfers. They are monitoring all money movements everywhere. Anyone who truly believes these […]

NSA is Destroying US Technology Industry – This will only cause less capital investment

Google is now in a state of panic with the latest revelation about the encryption invasion by the NSA. Google has torrents of information that flow among its data centers around the world. They are now rushing to thwart snooping by the NSA and others the company stated on Friday. The move illustrates the seriousness […]

G20 Agrees on Worldwide Access to All Information on the Wealth of the Citizens for Global Taxation

  The G-20 summit has made a major decision that will enable the DEFLATIONARY destruction of the World Economy and life as we knew it. From here on out, the control  of all data being collected internationally (including NSA) regarding the wealth of citizens worldwide, will be made available to every member state.Under the cover […]

NSA Breaks Encryption – Here We Go Again There is nobody and nothing they have not tapped

The Guardian was the first the break the news as always on the latest NSA scandal – this time it is defeating encryption services for people’s bank accounts to private sensitive corporate information. The Guardian has been joined by the New York Times and ProPublica. All three have now jointly reported that the NSA has […]

Pension Crisis Fueled by Manipulation of Interest Rates by Central Banks

The pension crisis is beginning to emerge as a real growing problem. The central banks have been keeping interest rates low for the primary reason of reducing the national debts. In Germany, they are beginning to notice that not merely are government pensions growing faster than private as public servants help themselves to our income […]

The Coming Forced Loans

In Germany the people are starting to notice that government pensions are growing far more rapidly than those in the private sector. We have to realize that about 50% of all taxes in Detroit went to pensions. This same economic model destroyed Rome. This is what we face, yet we cannot prevent the crash and […]