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Mainstream Media – Pro War

QUESTION: Why is mainstream media pro-Obama and war? ANSWER: The press has traditionally been a pawn of government. Look at the NSA scandal how they have taken control of airlines, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and Microsoft to name a few. The American press was responsible for creating the Spanish-American War in 1898. I was taught that […]

NSA Has Access to German Airlines Systems

The reach of the NSA is simply unbelievable. The NSA has access to the booking system of Lufthansa. The American security authorities may intervene directly in the booking system of Lufthansa of course on the pretense of terrorists who probably announce their plans on Facebook, are using Windows 8 laptops, search via Google, and check financial […]

NSA Paid Microsoft & Others to Circumvent The Courts – This is Now Criminal

The Guardian has now revealed that the NSA paid millions of dollars to Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and Facebook to cover the cost of its illegal activity AFTER the courts ruled that what it was doing was unconstitutional and they could not separate domestic surveillance from pretended international. This all took place AFTER a court ruled that some […]

NSA & Microsoft – Going Down Together?

Steven Ballmer who took the reins of power from Bill Gates, is leaving Microsoft in terrible condition. He raised the price of software tremendously where previously you could install a program on 5 PCs, now it is the same price for just one. He allowed the company to get in bed with the NSA and […]

Germany Warns Windows 8 is Dangerous – Is Microsoft a Giant Short?

I reported that Windows 8 was dangerous. Some wrote to argue I was wrong. I wrote why NASA announced it was dumping Windows 8 and that even Skype should not be used. Microsoft has been criticized for the Prism affair. Now appears that Windows 8 is especially dangerous. The German government warns against Microsoft program because it […]

Municipalities are Collapsing in Europe – Detroit is not Alone

The debt crisis is being felt at the state and local levels. This entire structure of promising pensions on the assumption that they can just always raise taxes is destroying society on a grand scale precisely for the same reasons Rome fell – unfunded liabilities caused by promised pensions for state workers. Detroit is not […]

British Seize All Snowden’s Documents at Guardian

David Miranda, the companion of Glenn Greenwald, who was a journalist with the British “Guardian” newspaper and the primarily journalist responsible for the NSA revelations, was arrested at the London Airport on Monday. The British have seized whatever the “Guardian” had and was forced by British intelligence to be destroyed under their supervision any and […]

Swiss want to End the 1,000SF Note

The drive to eliminate cash and move to 100% electronic money remains in full force. The Swiss are coming under pressure to eliminate the 1,000SF note from other countries fearing money can be hidden in cash avoiding taxes. The Swiss would never admit that they are doing this because of pressure, but this is what […]

Email service used by Snowden shuts itself down, warns against using US-based companies

Glenn Greenwald has been championing Edward Snowden and has reported that the Email service used by Snowden has shut itself down, warning against using US-based companies: ‘Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple, and the rest of our internet titans. He askes why have these companies rolled-over and are not fighting for our interests the same way. The […]

EU To Limit Cash Withdrawals to 100-200 Euros per day If a Bank Goes Down

The model in Cyprus of limiting cash withdrawals from banks is being adopted in the EU for the entire system. The European idea of socialism is the sustainability of the government – not the survival of the people. Europe continues to destroy its economic future by undermining public confidence in their entire financial system,